Admitting Murder

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Alex's Pov

Fog covered the ground and the trees which formed a large circle around me I scanned looking for anything recognizable but the tree line was too thick, "Where the hell am I?" I felt like I was being watched I scanned the tree line again listening for any sound, a soft snap of a branch gave away the person's position "Come out now!"

I commanded trying to act strong even though I was scared, a deep laugh shook the ground I felt my heart skip a beat as a dark figure emerged from tree line. A tall man emerged taking large strides I wanted to back away but my legs were frozen to the ground, "Oh little Alex, you've grown up beautifully" he raked his eyes up and down me, I watched him closely as he closed the distance between us.

He gripped my shoulders tightly I felt a strong heat come from his hands, I tried pushing him away but my arms stayed put I tried channeling my powers but they were absent.

"Who are you?" I finally found my voice, he laughed again shaking the ground "you'll find out soon enough, be careful with who you trust little one" he leaned closer and whispered in my ear "your little husband should of stayed away he will regret his actions" I froze at the mention of Josh "What do you mean?"

He leaned away and stared into my eyes "Oh little Alex ask him yourself, he will know what this means" his touch began burning as I felt the heat travel through my shoulder onto my stomach, I screamed at the pain "Stop it!" I flicked my hand as I felt my powers surge, "I said stop it!" I screamed as I rose my hand placing it on his chest a large power surge echoed through me pushing his body back into tree line.

Panting I fell to the floor as the burning only increased gripping my stomach I felt something pulling on my heart a soft whispered echoed in my head "Alex, Alex Wake up! Come on love wake up!" I felt my eyelids become heavy as the voice became louder.

Opening my eyes, I jolted forward crashing myself against Josh's bare chest, I panted as the memories came back flooding my brain. "Alex calm down love it was just a nightmare" I shook my head "no Josh, it wasn't it was a warning" I wrapped my arms around Josh's neck pulling him closer. After describing my nightmare to him, Josh was pacing back and forth mumbling to himself "No it can't be he's dead" "Josh! Who are you talking about who is dead?"

Josh stopped pacing and sighed deeply he kneeled down in front of me gripping my hands tightly "we were in training together he was my best friend, one day we were attacked by demons I fought by his side but we later found out he was a traitor he gave the demons our location which resulted in the death of half our bureau. He was imprisoned and trialed the result was death; he was decapitated by me. So, it's no way he was alive I watched his life leave his eyes, he had a special gift unique to him only if it was truly him he would have given a sign that it was him did he do something with fire or heat?" Josh asked but his face wasn't hiding his true feeling he was hoping it wasn't true, my mind raced if there was anything when I felt a harsh pain in my shoulder and my stomach.

I clenched my fist trying to push through it hoping Josh didn't see my distress but I knew he could sense my pain "Alex what's wrong where does it hurt?" he laid me down and checked my arms and exposed legs for anything he lifted my shirt showing my stomach a loud growl shook the room as Josh lifted my shirt up exposing my stomach fully.

I looked down and saw two crossed swords seared on my stomach, they were glowing as if I was just burnt "He is going to fucking pay for this" the pain began increasing please "make it stop Josh, it hurts please help" I begged feeling tears slide down my cheeks Josh placed a cool hand on my burning stomach "stay still love, it will be over soon" I couldn't speak and only nodded as I felt a cooling sensation rush over my stomach it flooded through my body, my breathing slowed to a normal pace I opened my eyes and saw Josh staring at me.

"You okay love?" I nodded my head and slowly sat up "Josh what do we do?" I gripped his hands tightly pulling him closer to me Josh sighed "I don't know love let's talk to your father" I nodded my head and laid down Josh was going to leave but I gipped his hand in mine "Josh don't leave" I begged.

"Alex I'm going use the bathroom I'll be right back" I reluctantly released my grip and waited for Josh to return, my eyes began closing but I didn't want to sleep without Josh being next to me I heard the bathroom door open as I saw Josh quickly walk back to the bed and laid down next to me gripping my waist he hummed a unfamiliar tune but it relaxed me as I closed my eyes and drifted back into a dreamless sleep.

"Alex wake up" I groaned and rolled onto my stomach which was a bad idea considering I was still healing from the burn I quickly rolled back onto my side and peeked open my eyes "Josh let me sleep" I groaned tried covering my eyes with my arms "sorry babe but we need to talk to your dad" I groaned "10 minutes" I moaned a loud growl echoed the room I moved my arm and saw Josh staring at me with lust he leaned close to me "don't make those sounds unless you want to be woken up some other way" he emphasized his point by squeezing my exposed thigh I fought back the moan, wanting it but knowing we had other plans.

Josh slide his hand up my thigh skimming over my panties tracing the band with his fingers. I pulled Josh on top of me as I crashed our lips together Josh didn't take long to follow my lead as he kissed back massaging my thighs, sending shivers down my back. I moaned as Josh slide his tongue along my lips asking for permission I opened my mouth as our tongues fought for dominance of coarse Josh won he slowly slid the large shirt over my shoulder exposing my mark, Josh pulled away as he kissed the corner of my mouth then my neck then eventually he began kissing my mark making me squirm wanting to clamp my thighs together but Josh was in the way.

I pulled Josh back in for a kiss, a loud scream broke us from our make out session Josh and I pulled away and looked into each other eyes, Josh jumped off the bed and pulled me with him as we ran down the cold halls following the echo of the scream.

We burst open the large door into my dad's office where Kaz was kneeled over a man's body I quickly ran to her and saw who she was crying for, my breath caught in my throat as I saw who it was "D-Daddy!" I feel to my knees gasping I couldn't lose him he is my only family I have left. I checked for a pulse but found nothing I placed my hands over his chest and began doing CPR on him tears poured down my cheeks "Come on daddy wake up!"

I pushed harder on his chest trying to make him breath, "Daddy come on, breath" as seconds turned into minutes I knew I was losing him or he already was lost. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder I looked up and saw Uric with sadness in his black eyes "I'm sorry princess but he is gone" he pointed to my father's face as it slowly began cracking I felt my heart stop "what is happening to him!"

"I'm sorry my princess but when royals die they disintegrate, separate, and form into their other living family" I was confused and scared as I watched my father's body disintegrated under my hands, only leaving a dark pile of ash, a slow hum came from the ash as it floated in the air I heard gasps as I saw Uric, Kenz, and other demons on their knees bowing to the ash and to Josh and I.

I watched the ash as it circled me and split darting towards Josh and I, I felt a soft heat circle my heart as the dust penetrated my chest but it didn't hurt it felt nice. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as a soft murmur echoed through my head "don't cry darling, daddy is here for you I love you become the queen you were always destined to be with Josh as your king and husband, goodbye baby girl" my father's voice brought me comfort as I looked over to Josh who place his hand over his heart his gaze fell to me with the same expression I showed.

"Alex did you..." I only nodded my head not trusting my voice. I felt another tear trickle down my cheek 'my dad is gone my child is gone and now I'm being threatened why is this happening, I can't lose anyone else.'

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