•Chapter One•

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My hand began to become shaky and numb. It bounced lazily by my body, thumb out, arm half extended. My head was down, tired of waiting for a car to pick me up.

I titled it upwards to look at the sky, freckled with the intense white stars. Pale blue light surrounded the waning moon, but the rest of the sky was a dark blue black color.

Another car roared past, not slowly down a bit. I blew air into the milky warm and stuck my arm higher.

Why wouldn't anyone want to pick up a young girl walking on the side of the road?

I rolled my eyes then shivered. I had walked nearly 2 miles and nothing. There was no care if I got kidnapped or raped. It didn't bother me as much as the rest of my life did.

The steady sound of a motor entered my ears and I hoped for that sound to quiet. And it did.

A dark colored pick up truck arrived beside me, short and dark inside. The window was rolled down from a dark figure inside the vehicle.

"You need a ride I see?" The voice was male, young but deep.

"Can you turn on a light in there?" I mumbled to him and crossed my arms.

He let out a short breath then rose his hand to flip a switch on the ceiling. Illumination engulfed the inside of the truck, and the new face I was looking at. Immediately I noticed he was quite a  but older than me, maybe in his early twenties. His skin was nearly caramel and he had small freckles that covered his nose and under his eyes like snow that just started to stick. His hair was close to black, but not quite. It was shorter on the sides and longer on the top. His jawline was very defined, however, he had somewhat of chubby cheeks.

One of his hands lay lazily on the steering wheel, looking large compared to the oddly small wheel. Only one of his sleeves was rolled up on his light blue and black flannel, the other one rolled all the way down. That was what immediately bugged me about him.

But even in the small car light I could see his intense gold eyes, staring deep into my soul. He was waiting for me to answer, as I just stood there, numb.

"Yes I do need a ride." I finally replied, tilting my chin slightly upwards proudly.

"Okay come on in then." He turned his head to look back at the road while his engine hummed quietly.

Setting my hand on the handle to open the door, my heart pounded.

Is this really what you want to do?

But that question had been asked much too late because I was already seated in the passenger side of a small Chevrolet truck.

I could feel his intense gaze on me as I set my bag beside my feet and crossed my right leg over my left.

I dared to look at him. His face was far more handsome close up. He was lazily tilting his head to look at me, but then he had swiveled it back a second after I looked at him.

He shifted the truck out of park and carried on down the long stretch of pavement.

"So where you going so late?" He said.

I turned my head to look out the window at nothing but darkness and mumbled, "Anywhere but here."

He chuckled. "Aren't you like 13? Why are you hitchhiking at 2 in the morning? You're lucky you didn't get into a creep's car."

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms and turned my head to look at his handsome face painted with a smirk. "I'm actually 17 now, and I can take care of myself. How do I know you're not a creep?"

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