Chapter 1

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here it is! chapter one.

wow, i'm really excited. i've been wanting to post this for ages. then again, i said i wouldn't until i finished BTG, but the OHSHC awards are starting! I really want to enter this, soooo.. yeah. i'll work hard!

by the way, all you OHSHC writers should go enter!

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you can start entering on May 2, 2014!

tell me your thoughts! opinions! everything! i'd love to hear what you think ♡

happy reading, guys!

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I, Anne-Marie Valette, have done it.

I can't believe this. I actually did it. Here I am, in Japan, on Japanese soil, under the Japanese sky, in a Japanese taxi, on my way to a Japanese school, to see René.

René. Are you proud of me?

I am finally free.

However, it seems that I could not leave my fear behind in France as well. I nibble at my fingers and avoid looking out the window. There are many more people in Japan than I anticipated. I've researched many things about this country before flying here. I heard it was quite crowded in the mainland, but I hadn't expected it to be as crowded as... this.

I sigh and settle into my seat. I must make light of the circumstances.

Think, Anne-Marie. Use your brain for once.

One. I am going to see René.

Two. I no longer am obligated to see people (other than René, that is).

Three. This "Ouran Academy" is a private school. There shouldn't be that many people.


My face blanches with sheer horror as I stare into the masses of people flocking at the perimeter of the school building. Even though the idiotic decision to come here was mine, I wish I could stay in this car and tell the taxi-driver to drive far, far away from Ouran Academy.

The taxi-driver looks at me over his shoulder. "Miss," he says. "We've reached your destination." He glances back at the dashboard. "That will be... 5,560 yen."

I hold my breath as I quickly hand him the folded bills. I'd already calculated the costs a long time ago, so I wouldn't be required to speak to him. I have more than enough to stay in Japan for at least two years, until I graduate from high school; then, I can just marry René and not have to worry about anything anymore.

When his coarse fingers brush against mine, I immediately flinch away. He dabs at his face, wiping away beads of sweat with a handkerchief, and tucks the bills into a small compartment of his dashboard. "Good day, Ma'am."

As he drives away, I hug my bag tightly, as if it were my life-line. And in a way, it is; this is my only one. I had to pack lightly, or Mother would have suspected. I'm sure that Father noticed something as well, but he is kinder than Mother, much kinder. I silently thank him for giving me my allowance all these years. Without it, I never would have been able to afford this journey.

I walk, avoiding the eyes of anyone near me, staring at the ground instead. My mouth can't decide whether it wants to smile, from the ecstasy of knowing I'll see René again, or if it wants to tremble, from the fear. So, I bite my lips instead.

From the corners of my vision, I can see uniformed students turn to look at me. I freeze as their eyes bear into mine. Why are they staring at me? They don't know me. I don't know them.

Why are they looking at me?

Are they judging me already? What are they thinking?

Raw terror claws at me as I begin to fully understand the situation I am trapped in. I am alone with all these people. I don't know anyone here. My eyes flit around the campus, where people walk about like ants crawling over the floor. God, there are too many people.

Where's René? I need René. I need him. René, where are you?

I close my eyes and start taking deep breaths like my therapist told me to, counting each breath.

One. Two.

Mother's voice echoes in my head, scolding me.

"Anne-Marie Valette! It is time you get over this childish fear!"

I nod to myself and clench my fists with determination.

You can do this, Anne-Marie, I tell myself firmly. Mother is right, this is absolutely silly of you. There's nothing to actually be scared of--

I stumble as someone bumps my shoulder.

Paranoia sets in.

Was that intentional? That was on purpose. Am I being bullied already? They hate me. It's always the same, always always always the same.

My eyes burn as I hiccup, breaths coming in fast.

I don't want to be here. I'm scared, I'm scared, so scared.

My shoulders heave. I can't control my body. I feel like I can't breathe. My head is light. I clutch my handbag tightly, hoping it would somehow suffice in alleviating my fear. I shut my eyes and mentally will the tears to stop spilling. God, make it stop.

"Stupid, stupid Marie." 

Stupid, ugly, worthless Marie.

"You don't belong here."

"You're no good at anything!"

"No one wants you here. No one even likes you!"

"Go away! We hate you!"

"Sorry," a boy says.

Somehow, his voice doesn't register in my head; it's only a faint echo of a dream that will be forgotten as the day progresses. I concentrate on calming down. I must! I can do this. I am not scared.

I bravely open my eyes.

Oh, stupid Marie indeed.

My heart races at the sight of the crowd gathering around me.

There are too many people. Too many people near me, whispering, looking at me. Why are they looking at me? Have I done something wrong again? Why won't they tell me? Why do they continue to whisper amongst themselves?

They hate me. Everyone hates me. It's the same here. They're all the same.

Breathing becomes difficult. A heavy mist settles in my head.

I unsteadily sway from another onslaught of dizziness.

There's a loud thump. I become vaguely aware that I've dropped my bag.

I have to pick it up. 

I blink and when I can think again, I'm on my knees.

No. Not again. Please, no. Not in front of others.

My chest constricts. I can't black out like this. I need to find him. Where is he? I need him.

My only friend, my only...

"René," I gasp.

Then, I pass out.

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