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He knew she had to be on the ship, he could feel it in his gut. sure enough there she was in orange camp half-blood t-shirt, dirty blue jeans and those golden blond locks he had missed for the past eight months. She was the first one off the ship, and the first thing she did was run up to him and punch him. As he fell to to ground he muttered"no more curse...". Annabeth helped him up "oh my gods Percy I'm so sorry. i didn't know. you deserved it any ways" she said with that million drachma smile of hers. As soon as he regained his composure he grabbed her in a hug and kissed her until it hurt. After regaining his composure he proceeded to introduce her to his new friends. "this is Hazel Levesque, Daughter of Pluto, Nico's sister. Can you believe that little brat pretended he didn't know me. when i see him hes gonna be dead." Percy paused. "Anyways, and this is my great great great etc.. nephew Frank Zhang, Son of Mars, you'll have to wait until war games to see what he can do." After he finished Hazel spoke up"So Percy are you going to introduce us to your other family?" "oh my gods, i totally forgot." Percy said"This is Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, My awesome girlfriend.""this is Clarisse La Rue, Daughter of Ares, I guess that makes her your sister Frank. Good luck" with that she shocked him with her new spear."oww! La rue what did you do that for?!?!" Percy screamed. "They have attacked our Praetor twice already, kill them!!!" Octavian shouted. As the Romans moved forward Percy Said "STOP! Its OK, that's how we say hi" Percy summoned a tidal wave and doused Clarisse to show how they teased each other. The Romans lowered their weapons and Octavian had a look of hatred on his face aimed not at Clarisse, but at Percy. "Now, Annabeth, if youll introduce the others who i dont know." Percy, and Romans," she looked at Octavian with distaste,"this is Leo Valdez, son of Hephestus, fire user, Architect of the Argo II." Hazel looked up at him but quickly looked away. Percy made a note to talk to her about it later."Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite, Charmspeaker, and Daughter of Tristan McLean." Gasps arose from numerous places in the crowd. Piper blushed and grabbed the blonde boys hand, he had stayed hidden in the back almost like he was trying to stay out of eyesight. Percy's hand went for his pen, just in case. "And this as you all know is-" She was cut off by Reyna, landing in their circle. As soon as she landed the blonde boy dropped Pipers hand and then grabbed it again like it never happened, but Piper looked devastated."Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, Slayer of Krios, Praetor of the Fith Cohort." Reyna said with pride. jason stepped forward and greeted Reyna. You could tell she was waiting for something but all he did was hug her, he turned back to piper and grabbed her hand. "I see" Reyna said, walking back to her pegasus with her head hung low. As she flew away we saw a flash of brown, as her pegasus falls out of the sky. Tumbling through the air Reyna panicks, flailing her arms. Jason springs into the air faster than Jupiter himself, rocketing straight towards her. Still trying to figure out where the arrow that shot her down came from we scan the perimeter. "I told you they were after us. KILL THEM!!!!" Octavian is screaming at the top of his lungs. "I SAID NO!!!" Percy yells. Then, from the clearing we see a group of shades dissapate into the ground. "ok. am i the only one who saw that??" Leo says.

The Mark Of Athena fanfic(all rights go to rick riordan)Where stories live. Discover now