Authors Note

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Thank you for taking the time to seek out my books, while giving them a chance to flourish in the community known as Wattpad.

My name is Jack, otherwise known as the author. I just wanted to pop in before you begin reading these books to inform you of a few things, things you'll hopefully thank me for later.

This is the first book of a series I've been working on for over twelve years, one of my own creation and dedication. Though it was inspired by the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, originally, in The Lord of The Rings, this story is not a replica or spin off of his work.

In this story you'll be thrust into the world known as Ithoros, a world blooming with fantasy elements and medieval settings. You'll find yourself enveloped in the magic of wizards and witches, ensnared in the grasp of the mighty barbarians, dazed by the prideful elves, and enchanted by the blooming forests. 

In my efforts I hope that you enjoy this journey just as much as I enjoy writing it, that you can see the world only painted behind my own eyes. I hope that you find yourself wanting to join the world of Ithoros, and everything it has to offer. 

This book will focus around a character named Orcrux, a common elf that finds himself obsessed with magic and always in trouble. You'll join him on his adventures throughout Ithoros, and learn through his thoughts of a time plagued by darkness. You'll be able to see the world through his eyes, taking in everything and leaving out nothing.

This also means that I must warn you, my dear reader. Orcrux's tale is not for the feint of heart, as it takes a turn for the worst when confronted by The Mad Markavian. I will strongly recommend that you make sure you're able to handle gruesome events, as they are quite frequent throughout this book. I'll also recommend that you read this book from cover to cover, and always check back for updates.

This story will be updated once a week, if not twice. 

Thank you,


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This story is of my own hard work and creation. Please do not reuse them, in whole or in part, without my permission. If you see my work being misused, please inform me.

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