Chapter 27 ~ Beneath his Anger

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I'll admit, it was a surprise to see that Chris was here in O'khasis, much less that he was here to help me, but there he was.

"What? Who let these insects inside?" Sasha yelled.

Pat looked over at me and smiled. "I made sure to have backup on standby just in case. I'll explain later." He winked. I was surprised that he knew of Melody, Chris, and Leo, but I decided to focus on what was ahead.

Chris stayed silent as he and Sasha engaged in their duel. Leo helped get the Shadow Knights away from Pat, and Melody helped me up.

"Need a hand?" She asked.

"Melody!" I hugged her. "I'm so glad to see you! How did you get here?"

"Pat dragged us here. It's a long story. For now, let's get through this. Where's Naomi?"

"In my backpack." I explained the cat potion situation.

She understood, and we joined the fight.

As we fought, I wondered how Pat had met Leo, Chris, and Melody. I wondered where Luna, Garroth, Aphmau, Lucinda, and Laurance were and things of the like.

As the herd of Shadow Knights thinned, I actually thought we would be able to win, until another Shadow Knight appeared. He swung his sword in our direction, and we were knocked off of our feet.

"Zenix? What are you doing here?" Sasha asked.

"Gene sent me. He figured you needed some help, and I guess he was right." He chucked.

"Whatever." Sasha said. The Shadow Knight named Zenix had joined the battle.

I'll admit, it was difficult to fight both Sasha and Zenix. We were able to get rid of most of the Shadow Knights, but those two were hard to keep up with.

Despite being mad at Chris for what he said, we still fought together as comrades with everyone else, though in silence. At least, that's what I remember. After that, all I could remember was a seething pain in my side, and I blacked out, the evil laugher of Sasha and Zenix being the last thing I heard.


When I awoke, I was in Lucinda's house in a spare room. My side was heavily bandaged, and I was laying on a soft bed.

Chris was pacing to and fro inside of the room. I tried to get up, but the pain in my side had not diminished.

"Careful, idiot." He muttered.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "You got what you wanted. How was that week when I was gone?" I asked bitterly.

He stayed silent.


"It was horrible."


He let out an exasperated sigh. "Melody, Leo and Luna wouldn't get off my case about it, and Pat slapped me for making you cry, and it was just generally a horrible week."

"As it should have been! Do you have any idea how I felt? You had it out for me from the very beginning, but saying that I should leave was the final straw! I thought I had found a family, but you shattered that illusion with your words!" I cried.

"You think I don't know that? The words rotted in my mouth the moment they left! But then you had to take them literally, and my pride and anger took over! Don't you realize that I hated those words as much as you did? But no! To you and everyone else, I'm only capable of anger. I'm too insensitive to understand why I might offend someone, I have no compassion or empathy, even though it was I who defended you from Sasha's blow, and it was I who made sure you were alive after her sword pierced your skin, and it was I who stayed inside this room for days on end to make sure you were okay even though I was perfectly capable of leaving at any time, and with how ungrateful you seem, I should have!"

I was in shock for a moment, but I regained my composure. "Do you really think that half baked apology is going to fly by me?"

He growled. "I've said all that I need to, it is your fault for failing to see my sentiment behind my anger. Though honestly, I've had enough of this!" He exited the room, but before he left, I said this:

"Maybe if you hadn't hurt my feelings or allowed your anger to consume your true sentiments, we wouldn't be in this situation now would we?"

He left the room, and I sat there once again to reflect what we had said.

Looking back, I could see his sentiment. His regret was something I could understand when he had said how the words had hurt to say, and maybe making sure I was alive was his way of trying to set things right, but his rash anger was all that I could think of at the time. How he had insulted me, and how angry he was at me for what I thought was no reason, but I was just as guilty for yelling at him, as he was for yelling at me.

At the time, all I could see was his insensitivity and rage, and I turned over in my bed wishing to forget the entire conversation..........

A/N I have to make this short, but all I can say is what do you guys think about Chris's anger? How do you think he should solve his anger issues? Leave all of that in the comments, and I'll see ya next chapter. Bye /)^3^(\

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