Siopi - Chapter Three.

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"Miss Donovan! Can you help-ed me, please?" I flicked my dark hair over my shoulder to see one of my students sitting in a puddle of glue and pink glitter. It had completely stained her purple dress and her tiny hands.

I internally groaned.

Today was one of those days where I couldn't sit down for more than two seconds, without these hyper children running around and making a mess everywhere they turned. I quickly ran up to her, picking her up from the mess she made on the floor while my angry teacher voice was now switched on.

"Sophie, what did I tell you about touching the glue?"

She pouted, her eyes glossing over in tears as her cute puppy face I know she used on purpose appeared on her little face. "It looked so good I want to eat-ed it."

Oh my heart.

I sighed and set her down on the ground while grabbing her pink, unicorn school bag to get her second pair of clothes out. It was a necessity that parents packed those for incidents like these. "When you get hungry, Sophie. You eat food, now is glue food?"

She enthusiastically nodded her head, her blonde pigtails flicking around everywhere as she licked her fingertips. "It tastes yummy, yes Miss Donovan!"

Oh dear lord.

I let out a small chuckle while shaking my head. I wasn't a full time pre-school teacher yet, just a student-teacher gaining experience on the work field. I was completing the practical part of my course, only having 3 months left until I graduate.

"No, glue is not good for Sophia's tummy, okay? You're going to get tummy aches."

"I will?" She gasped.

I nodded my head and took her towards the sink and began to wash the glue off her arms. "Yes you will and then you won't be able to poop for a few days."

She looked at me absolutely mortified and moved her small head closer to mine, whispering. "But I love pooping."

I stopped myself from letting out a laugh at her little confession and put on a stern expression. "Then no more glue for you, understood?"

The rest of the day consisted of this, running around after the kids all the while trying to teach them how to count to twenty was a tough job. I was thankful for Mrs Johnson who I had been working under for the last three months, I learnt a lot from her.

Even though the job was hard and demanded my utmost, undivided attention. I wouldn't change it for the world. I adored kids. However bad a situation would be, the little devils aka children, always had the ability to put me in a happier mood. Once I complete my graduation, I planned on quitting at the barbershop. I needed that job to make ends meet and working seven days a week on top of studying had definitely begun to take its toll on me.

After I had taken a nice warm shower, I snuggled up under my warm blanket on the couch, while catching up on some Netflix. The only thing missing in my life was a cup of hot coffee because I knew after this relaxing moment, I needed to complete a review for this week at the preschool.

As I began to get comfortable and unwind from the long day at work, my mind wandered off to what happened four days ago when Steele came uninvited into my apartment.

When I woke up in the morning, he had completely disappeared. There was absolutely no trace of him even entering my apartment and I almost talked myself into thinking that whatever happened was just a dream. Until, I got up from bed and into my kitchen to realise the glass that he smashed last night still lay shattered on my tiled floor. Just thinking about him got me all riled up and angry. He had some damn nerve. The other side of me however, was ecstatic to finally be in his arms once again. Without a second thought I quickly banished that part away. I also don't know how he managed to enter my apartment? he must've used--

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