Siopí - Chapter Five.

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I huffed angrily as I watched Jace and Steele greet each other with their usual handshake. Go home? I shook my head. He was ordering me around like he owned me. I didn't like it, didn't want it. Screw him, I never listened to his dominating ass anyway.

I quietly walked towards the living room and sat on the large sofa. Turning on the new episode of Rick and Morty that I knew Jace had been dying to see.

"Aww Sierra!" I grinned as I heard Jace stomp his big feet over to me. "You can't watch it without me!" He pouted, while quickly diving on the sofa and climbed in beside me as we both hummed along to the theme song. At times, I failed to remember that this handsome, exotic Asian man seated next to me was twenty-eight years old and six years my senior.

Steele came into the room as well, daggering me with those dark eyes of his, clearly displeased. "Didn't I just tell you to go home?"

I simply ignored him and snuggled up to Jace's shoulder as my eyes remained glued to the TV screen. Steele sighed loudly as he shook his head in frustration, proceeding to storm out of the living room.


I finally let the triumphant smirk appear on my face. Jace looked down at me and shook his head while chuckling. "I swear, you two will never change."

I silently agreed.

Halfway throughout the show, Mr Vitalis decided to make his presence known once again as he sat down on the sofa, his huge body taking up the space right beside me. I didn't acknowledge him at all, only shifting so the giant would have more room to get comfortable. I continued to ignore his presence, knowing that the silent treatment was slowly started to eat at him, he never was one for being disregarded. Snuggling more into Jace's side, I hid the smirk that desired to so badly appear on my face.

I heard Steele huff in annoyance as he grabbed my arm and slowly began to pull my frame away from Jace and onto his brawny side. I swiftly nudged his hand off of me and snuggled back onto Jace.

"Sierra." Steele grumbled and I internally groaned at his warning.

"I swear, if Steele kills me tonight, I will come back and haunt your skinny little ass." Jace whispered by my ear.

I gasped, completely insulted. "Excuse you, my ass is not skinny." I harshly whispered back.

Within a second Steele had grabbed me by my arm and seated on top of his lap as he glared at Jace. "What the fuck were you two whispering about?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Oh dear Korean Jesus, I'm out," Jace stood up with his hands up, defeated. "Sierra, you deal with him. I would rather jump off a fucking cliff then have this conversation." He turned around to walk away and I looked up at him with a pleading eyes. Nooo, please, I don't want to be alone with him. Quickly I tried to get up and follow Jace into his room, only to be pulled back down onto a rather annoyed Steele's lap.

"You two seem to have cozied up to each other quite a bit since I've been away." Steele glared at me, his accusation as clear as day.

"Yeah, we have." I glared right back, not denying nor confirming any of his allegations. He could think whatever he wanted, I really didn't care.

Steele had me straddling his body as his hands clenched around my wrists tightly. I tried my hardest to wrestle out of his grip but it was pointless. Curse his strength.

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