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×Jaewon's POV×

I was awoken by a knock on my door. "Young Miss time for school" the maid said. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. "You're welcome Young miss" she answered. So I quickly went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and did my routine. I wore my uniform and quickly went downstairs. I ate my breakfast and brushed my teeth. Mom and Dad left my allowance in my study room. I took it and read the note saying..honey! After school we'll be having visitors so please get yourself ready and we also put some of your allowance in your account. If it's not enough tell us. Love you! Love,mom and dad. I quickly went downstairs and was greeted by a handsome figure leaning on the glass of the car.
"Yah oppa! You got your allowance?" I asked. "Yeah. Now get in mah lady!" He said." Oppa will you be here later?" I asked. "Nope. I'll go to the mall by myself to buy things." He answered while driving. "Jaebum oppa~" I said cutely. "Waeyo dongsaeng-ah?" He asked. "Are we there yet?" I asked. "Yes now let's go!" He commanded. So me and Jaebum oppa got out of the car.

Jaebum oppa said he has to go so he separated ways with me. "Wonnie?" A familiar voice called for me. "Myunghee?" I said. "Noona!" Another familiar voice called. "Hongseokie?" I said. "Yes!" They said in unison. "What class are you Jaewon?" Myunghee asked. "Here look at my schedule." I said. "Oh we have the same classes" she said. "Okay..let's go.. Hongseok? I'll take you to your class. Where is your room?" I asked him. "Over there!" Hongseok said as he point to a not-so-far door."come on!" I said. So me,myunghee,and hongseok went to his class and left to our class.

"Jaewon Noona!" Someone yelled. "Yes Hongseok?" I asked."a girl is being beaten come! Help her!" Hongseok said. So we quickly ran and I saw the girl being bullied.

Me:get your hands off her *coldly*
Mean G.:why do you care!?
Me:hands off her!?
Mean G.:THAT'S IT!

I quickly pulled the beatened up girl and told Myunghee to bring her to the nurse. The mean girl pushed me into a locker and grabbed my collar. The others were saying ooo~~

Mean G.:if I tell you to stop you stop!
Me:what if I don't care?*coldly*
Mean G.:ARGHHHH you're getting on my nerves! You bitch!

She got quickly on my nerves so I pushed her hard to a locker and grabbed on tightly to her collar.

Me:if I tell you to get your hands off! You follow me!?

I punched the locker that was leaned against by her and she was shocked so as the students. They all gasped. Then I grabbed her by the collar and tightened my hold.

Mean G.: y-yes
Me:now shoooo!!

So I let go of her collar and she ran off. Hongseok,Jaebum oppa and some random boys ran over to me.

Hongseok:noona your hand!
Jb:yah Jae! Your hand
Me:chill I'm fine It's just blood nothing to worry.
Jb:yah are you crazy? You punched a fricking locker!
Me:I've done more than.
Hongseok: I remember that you left a bully unconscious.
Me:*wide eyes* HONGSEOK-AH!!
Jb: MWO!?
Me: he punched your baby sister in the arm*acts cute*
Jb: he did what!? Aww my poor baby!

He hugs me and pats my head.

???: you guys are so weird!
Jb: yah jackson!
Me: care to introduce?
Them: ohhh

??1:Hi! I'm the handsome Mark!
??2:wazzup! I'm Jackson!
??3:hi! I'm Junior
??4:Youngjae here!
??6: I'M JAEBUM!
Me:I already know you!
Yugyeom: Bamie is not here cause he said he will go somewhere.

"Yah Im Jaewon!" Someone shouted. I turned around and saw Bummie oppa."wae" I asked."are you going home?" He asked. "Can't you see?" I said playfully. "But I wanna spend time with you!" He whined. " Tomorrow oppa! I promise!" I said assuringly."okay tomorrow!" He said. He then pulled my hand and dragged me to his car.

~At home~

I quickly went in my room. And saw an outfit there (here is the outfitue👇)

 And saw an outfit there (here is the outfitue👇)

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I wore it with some vans shoes. Mom went in my room and told me that the visitors are here. I went downstairs with mom and the boy caught my eye. Omo! He's cute and handsome at the same time!

Mom:Jae this is Mrs. Bhuwakul!
Me:*bows* hello!
Mom: this is Mr. Bhuwakul!
Me:*bows* hello
Mom: and this is Bambam
Me:*bows and smiles* hello I'm Jaewon.
Bambam: hello! Wait are you perhaps JB's sister?
Me: yes,why do you ask?
Bambam: nevermind.

Bambam? OMO!! He's the one who bullied me when I was in 6th grade! He changed alot.my shower of thoughts were ruined by mom tapping on my shoulder. "Let's eat" she said. I just nodded. I saw bambam smirking. I was forced to sit infront of him.

Mom: so the reason that they came here is..
ME: me? Him? Married? What?
Bambam: are you out of your mind mom?
Mom: please Jaewon! It's for your good and the company's sake!

Wow so you guys cared about the company? Goshh! For my own good? Srsly? Arghhh

So after a few hours they left cause it's getting late. I went to my bedroom and locked my door. Then removed my clothes leaving me in my undergarments. And fell in deep sleep.

Author's note: thanknyou guys! Iloveyou guys! Vote and comment! I lovue you guysuee!

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