Chapter 1

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Avery's POV

I laid down on my bed with my headphones on blaring to my favorite hits by my favorite rapper Eminem. I looked around the room painted with white walls. Everything looked so dull, it described my life perfectly. I couldn't ask for more. I'm living in a bad dream that I can't wake up too, but when I wake up I face the angels and demons all I once. It's tough for a troubled teen to walk around with a fake smile and unrealistic expectations.

I heard a faded knock at the door. I turned my head and took off my headphones as I put the volume down and as it creaked open I saw a nurse. She approached me with a smile which was rare, but it was always a good sign.

Avery: "Any good news yet?" I asked.

Nurse: "Hmmm... Well come with me Avery. Then you'll see." She said holding out her hand.

I followed behind the nurse as she opened the doors, I heard the girls in the other screaming as if they were in danger. But I was wrong. As soon as I walked into the room it seemed like the lights dimmed down and the only light shined on him. And by him I mean the one and only Marshall Mathers aka Eminem. I can't believe my favorite rapper is here. My heart dropped as he smiled at me.

Avery: "I-Isss that who I think it is? Is Marshall here for me? Or is he just visiting in town?" I asked confused but stunned.

Nurse: "He's here to adopt a teen about your age. I showed him every teen in this building but it's seems like you standed out from all of the other girls. Today's you're lucky day Miss Avery Falls." She said smiling as she directed to Marshall.

As I approached Marshall I felt each step that I took was getting closer and closer to being face to face with him I felt butterflies in my stomach and when I did I stared into his beautiful blue eyes as he spoke.

Marshall: "Hey. I'm Marshall. What's your name?" He asked greeting me with a smile.

Avery: "Hey. I'm Avery. Are you going to adopt me?" I asked greeting him asking Marshall a question.

Marshall: "Yeah. Is that okay with you Avery?" He asked.

Avery: "Of course. I've been waiting for this day to come ever since I walked trough these doors." I said squealing of happiness.

Marshall: "Great. How about you pack your bags while I'll sign some paperwork and then we can go to your new home. Sounds like a plan?" He asked smiling with his arms around wrapped around me.

Avery: "Definitely." I said smiling.

As Marshall walked away to handle the paperwork I ran to my room in excitement and packed my bags. I was still in shock that I was being adopted my Eminem. I was so happy my life couldn't get any better. Marshall was my only hope ever since I started listening to him. He gave me the strength to continue as I patiently waited through these cold years of abandonment, but I'm finally saved. I walked out of my room as I said my goodbyes to my friends and nurses.

Marshall: "All set Avery?" He asked.

Avery: "Yep." I said approaching the door.

Marshall awaited for me by the exit, I approached him with a smile and held his hand as he grabbed the bags from my hands. I exited out the adoption center with a big smile on my face. Marshall put my bags in the back of the car as I entered the BMW ready for the next chapter of my life to approach me. And with that off we went to Marshall's place. I couldn't wait to be living with Marshall. I wonder what it feels like to be apart of the Mathers family?

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