Chapter 2

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Avery's POV

We arrived at Marshall's place around the afternoon. I got out the car as Marshall grabbed the bags. He took out his keys and unlocked the door and as he did, I saw a sign that read welcome home Avery being held up by his daughters Hailie, Whitney and Lainey. I smiled in joy as they all hugged me as once. I haven't felt this loved in a while. I finally felt welcomed somewhere and I barely know these girls, but once I do they'll get used to me. I thanked Marshall once more as Hailie led me up to my bedroom. The house was very spacious and big so there were plenty of guest rooms. I walked into my room and it was like he knew me already, posters of Eminem were everywhere and albums and records were hung up on the walls that were splattered with blue paint. I know I'm a fangirl for this man but gosh he went all out, but after all he is famous.

Hailie: "Hey." She said greeting me standing by the door.

Avery: "Hey Hailie." I said greeting her back as I unpacked my belongings.

Hailie: "I have three questions." She said holding up her fingers.

Avery: "Haha." I chuckled. "Ask away."

Hailie: "Is it different from the adoption center? Are you a fan of my dad? What is it like to drive at 16?" She said asking question after question.

Avery: "Well, it's a big difference from the outside world. I am a huge fan of Eminem. And lastly at first it was nerve wracking but I got used to it because I realized that driving is not a right it's a privilege." I said replying to her three questions.

Hailie: "Interesting. Okay I have one more question." She said grinning.

Marshall: "Oh. No you don't. Come on Hailie, give Avery a break she just got here let her settle down and get used to the place." He said pulling Hailie by the shirt playfully.

Avery: "No it's alright, Marshall. She's not a bother. Hailie just wanted to get to know me better. That's all." I said in a calm voice.

Marshall: "Alright. I'll be in the living room, watching football. My favorite team is playing. GO DETROIT LIONS!" He said yelling all hyped up as he went downstairs.

(Two Hours Later)

Dinner came around. I sat along with Hailie, Marshall and the others. Something was a little off in Marshall's cup it sure siding look like soda nor water it looked like vodka. I knew he was a heavy drinker but I didn't know he was addict for more than three years. I didn't mind, so I just ate my dinner and went along with their conversations as we laughed and talked about Marshall's new album with leaked and unreleased songs.

I heard a hard pounding on the door, when Marshall got out of his seat to answer the door. From the distance I heard arguing from a female voice it looked to be Kim who was his ex wife just visiting for the kids. I was wrong. She came in angrily and started yelling at me. Man what Marshall said in his songs were true but I didn't believe them until now.

Marshall: "Kim! Relax! She's just a new comer that I adopted for the kids since they were nagging me about one I got one. So I suggest you leave here before I call the police." He said warning her.

Kim: "Why? You could've called me and consented this with me. I can't take care of hold that isn't mine." She said confused.

Marshall: "Kids... Take your dinner up to your room and eat there. Kim come one we'll talk about this." He said grabbing her by the hand.

Kim: "No. I'm not following you anywhere. Your drunk Marshall and your just speaking to be the man of the house. But inside you don't know how you feel. You just Marshall with hair bleach and a bottle of vodka." She said explaining herself.

Marshall: "No. I'm myself. I'm straight. I'm sober. You can tell me who I am. Since you left in 2002. I've been less stressed than when we were together back on 8 Mile. I had hustle for your and my kids to have a life. You just sat waiting for the pay checks to come. So you can't just barge in here and tell what I can and can't do. I can adopt a kid if I wanted to. It's not your choice." He said in explaining himself.

Kim: "But these are my kids. They need a mother." She said walking out the door.

Marshall: "They need a father." He said closing the door on Kim.

Hailie: "She right." She said in a sassy voice.

Avery: "They're both right. Sometimes parents don't fe talons like other parents do they have their differences, just like us and I don't blame them." I said exposing to Marshall as he drank his vodka and headed back to the diner table.

Marshall: "Avery?" He said calling out my name.

Avery: "Yeah, Marshall?" I asked.

Marshall: "You can call me dad from now on. You don't have to call me Marshall no more but only if your mad at me." He said smiling.

Avery: "Okay. Thanks. I apologize for butting in to love life. I know it's complicated. But you'll make it work for all of us. I know you will." I said heading up stairs to my bedroom.

Marshall: "It's alright. Good night Avery." He said heading to the living room.

Avery: "Night. Dad." I said smiling as I walked into my room.

Marshall: "Dammit. I missed my game." He muttered as I heard bottles be thrown away in the garbage.

I chuckled and closed the doors behind me, as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I went under my covers and closed my eyes as I heard the door creak open. I shut my eyes with my earbuds in my ears blasting to Eminem with the volume on low and dozed off quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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