Another night~

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It was early morning, I was awoken by Jay 'Jay Jay?' he seemed confused 'why was me in your cabin asleep..' I sighed, 'I had to carry you, otherwise you would have been eaten by wolves, I wanted to make sure you were okay..' He asked, 'Howwie, do you like Jordan?', I shook my head, 'I don't, nor I ever will.' Unfortunately, Jordan heard and he ran off crying. 'I have a feeling he heard howwie, poor jor'

The fat camp Manager came in, 'Okay idiots time for breakfast', we headed out and saw someone hugging my leg, 'Nandy, no hug my leg ;w;', nandy started crying, Jay Jay picked up the lil Andrew. 'No no nandy', Andrew Started Throwing a Little Temper Tantrum. the Camp manager looked at jay, 'Aye!, Put him Down' The camp manager walked Over to jay, And grabbed him by His Ear. 'Hey Dont touch Him!', i Ran over to the "Fat Camp Manager" and Punched Her, 'O-oh, oops..'. The Manager Came running towards me, Giving me a Bloody Nose and Knocking me onto the Cement. With tears in my Big Eyes, I Got up and tried to Fight back. She Continued Grabbing Jays ears, Making His ear turn red. I Screamed as Loud as I Could, 'I Said Dont touch Him!', Jay tried to stop the fight. 'Why would you protect this Ugly Little Boy?, Do you have Special Feelings For him?' My eyes went wide, 'I-im Not sure ma'am, but Could you Please Leave him alone'. She wouldnt Listen as She Grabbed his Ear harder, Targeting My Anger. With Warm tears in my eyes, She Charged Towards me Throwing jay onto the grass, She Tried to punch me, But Somehow My tears Formed a Forcefeild..(I Interupt the Story, FORCE VOID!)

As the ForceV

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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