The kiss

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Me, Jack, Wade and Bob went out for dinner today. Jack sat next to me. Of course he would, he loves sitting next to me. I do also. I love how he leans against me sometimes. And the way he holds my hand, how soft his Irish accent is talking to me, I just fucking love it all.

He stayed close as we walked to the restaurant. Me and him like act as is we are just normal everyday people and not famous youtubers, (which is a way to keep the fandom from attacking us and all that ((We all know no matter what the fandom is going to ship y'all. Boi))) so we disguise ourself to fit in. It's normally works.

We all entered the restaurant. Bob checked us in and the waitress brought us to table. She seemed nice. Jack and I sat on one side while Bob and Wade sat on the other. We look through the menu the waitress gave us before she walked away.

"What do you guys want to order?" Wade said, looking at me and Jack.

"I don't know. I don't see anything that jumps out at me"

"Its not like Bonnie is going to appear in your menu Jack" I said laughing afterwards

"But Freddy will?" He said, his blue eyes shining.

"Anyways,... I'm going to order spaghetti" I said looking st everyone.

"Really Mark?" Bob said

"Its simple. And the first thing I see that I'd eat"

"But still, if you were going to have that you could've just stayed home with Jack and had spaghetti together." Wade pointed out.

"Then what are you guys ordering?" I asked.

"Me and Bob are going to have a burger with fries." Wade answered

"I'm going to have whatever you do Mark" Jack said smiling.

"Would you be okay with having spaghetti then?" I asked him.


"Okay then."

The waitress came back, asked us for our orders and walked away again. Jack leaned against me, his head on my chest. I love when he does this, its fucking cute to me. He looked at me, his ocean blue eyes meeting mine. They are beautiful eyes. Better than any ocean that will ever exist.

"Can we kiss Mark" my green haired boyfriend asked me with innocent eyes.

"w- Jack- we- we're in pUBLIC.."

"I guess not then.. Huh..?"


Jack smirked slightly, and sat up. I pulled him close to me, and leaned down to the smaller boy and kissed him. Jack kissed me back, I could feel his face begin to heat up. I pulled away after I heard Bob and Wade laughing. I looked at them with a death glare as Jack giggled.

"That's gay Mark." Bob said to me.

"Like you and wade weren't last night"

Jack bursted into laughter as the waitress came with our dinner.

((Dun dun duuuun! Here's another story! I'm going to keep writing some. Hopefully more people like it. Also, if you have a promt I should do for septiplier tell me and I'll eventually do it. Thanks for reading and I'll keep updating))

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