May's Story: Log 1

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   It started when I was 8 years old. I've kept it a secret for 7 years now and I plan to keep it that way till I can move far far away from my home in West Virgina. No one can know that I love girls...
   I go to a school that's about 15 minutes away from my house called Growler High school or GHS for short. At I was always the kid who sits in the back and is quiet most of the time but some times me and my best friend Carter would have the same english class together and we'd just sit and pass notes to each other.
   Carter was a thin pale kid with bright green eyes the color of emerald rings and he always wore a sweatshirt advertising the Legends of Zelda. I on the other hand I had dark moka skin tone with freckles running down the lengths of my arms and big curly hair that made it look like I was a lion.
  At first glance Carter and I might be polar opposites but we've known each other since the 2nd grade and we became friends after he screamed from across the room "Hey Lionheadd Girl I wanna be friends with You!!" That may seem a bit strange that he'd just come out and scream it, but Carter is the type of person who doesn't care what you think about him and just says what's on his mind.
   Carter and I hang out at lunch and after school at the ice rink. I can't skate very well but Carter is on a hockey team so I watch him practice, and I tell him things to try to make him loose his concentration or to make him laugh.
   Home is a completely different story, both my parents aren't home very often and when they are they fight, I don't know why they just don't get a divorce, mom says it's cause of financial reasons. I can't imagine that considering my mom is a dentist and my dad is a contractor and at the moment we live in a mansion.
   Both my parents are extremely catholic and they say being anything other than heterosexual is a sin. Meaning I would go to Hell for all of eternity and be tortured because "I made a deal with the devil when I first started liking girls."
   I don't get how some Christians say that homosexuality is on the same level as murder or rape. I especially don't get that if God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and if being gay is a sin then why would he create homosexuality in the first place?
   Any way I'm getting off track, basically my home is a living nightmare and coming home will always be a dreaded thought. I would leave but I promised Carter i would stay for his sake.
    Any way here is my story on how I over came my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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