[Vol 2] Man's Best Friend

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30 minutes earlier:

Weiss's POV

The day went well. We got a tour of the most advanced ship I have ever seen and got to see Neptune gets what he deserves, a punch to the face. We were in the pilots barracks.  It reminded me of the dorms back at Beacon execpt this was one giant room with 12 single beds and some dressers.

Predator: Goodnight.

Everyone: Night.

He closed the door and left. Sun turned the light back on and we all sat in a circle talking about the place.

Weiss: This place is a specialist's dream come true!

Blake: I wouldn't exactly call it that.

Jaune: Anyone know why Predator left?

Neptune: Sarah probably needs him.

Scarlet: But it's night Neptune.

Neptune: I said 'Probably' Scarlet. I don't actually know.

Weiss: 'Probably' out on a mission.

Nora: He's leaving us out of an adventure?!

Ren: Relax Nora. He's more than likely just needs to practice.

Ruby: Well I'm going to go find out.

You imbecile. What if we all get in trouble? Guess I'm gonna have to follow.

I followed her to try to stop her but to no avail. We were already outside so theres no going back now.


We snuck around near the Command room to hear Predator and Sarah's voice.

Predator: Three hours is just enough time.

Sarah: Good. We'll have a dropship ready for you in 15.

He walked to a giant ship with Rose. As the door was closing we ran in as quietly as we could.

Ship Driver: Heading to the planet Earth. ETA 10 minutes.

Predator: Copy that. Command this is Hunter 2-1. Heading out right now.

We heard Sarah's voice through that little radio that Ruby kept.

Sarah: Rodger that Hunter 2-1.

Predator embarked Rose. We stood still as he turned around to see us.

Predator: Ruby.

Ruby: Y-Yes?

Predator: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you two be asleep.

I'm throwing her under the bus.

Weiss: It was her idea.

Predator: That's not surprising. Why are you here of all people?

Weiss: I came to make sure our leader doesn't get hurt.

He just looked at me for a second.

Predator: Sure ya are.

Rose: SIR...

Predator: Please don't call me sir. Makes me feel old.


Predator: It's fine. And yes it was sarcasm.

Ship Driver: We've just arrived sir!

Predator: Thank you!

He looked at us.

Predator: Get on.

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