Sorry guys wow two updates on a thoughts story in one night like wow I sure live life on the edge
There's just this person and I can't personally tell them because I'm too awkward but they're so beautiful and nice and sweet and funny and amazing and just perfect and I love them as a best friendddddd but I also wanna like cuddle with them and hold their hand and omggggggg
But like I can't because I can't accept myself for kind of liking this person and I can't look at myself and be okay with it yet and I feel bad for making them wait
They make me smile and be happy and get all happy and iltsm and i wanna hug them right now but I can't and wow this was longer than I thought it would be jeesh I'll go now
But like I found out Tyler Joseph is married today and I ship joshler and I started actually crying for like two hours and my parents are concerned lol jk
But srsly I cried for two hours
Okay I should leave now
Ily all soooooooo much
~°•°~ phanmember101