3- Bitch, Bitch, Bitch

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Why do I hate Mikoshiba Mei one might ask, I can think of three reasons from the top of my head; one, she is a bitch, two  she is a bitch that I have to endure on a daily basis due to me having to share a dorm with her and three she is a bitch who I have to room with and also happens to be Mikoshiba Sei's sister. Also she has a very big habit of expecting to be second best and only second best to her brother so she has a thing for getting rid of her "competition" so yes, Mikoshiba Mei wants me off of the swim team and out of the swim club.

"Hello Mei-chan." I greet, smile plastered onto my lips.

"Too bad we couldn't have shown those Iwatobi boys that we're just as good as the boys in the club." Mei's tan shoulders sag dramatically as she speaks. I shrug.

"They don't need to know how good you are Mei-chan." I assure, voice honeyed.

"Why is that?" she blinks, topaz cat like eyes gleaming.

"Because those boys don't need to expect us. We can just kick their butts." I attempt to appease Mei, aware that if I don't make her happy I will face serious consequences especially without Rin and Nitori to back me up.

"I will kick their butts." she corrects in a megalomaniacal way. I frown a bit.

"Okay Mei, you will kick their butts since I am not as good as you are." I groan at the captain's sister.

"That's better!" she beams, chemically whitened teeth radiating light from the poolside and burning my eyes.

"I have to catch up with Nito'-chan, I'll see you later Mei..." I try t leave however my wrist is seized by my roommate.

"You know that everybody knows how much of a slut you are, right Aoi-chan?" Mei asks. I blink, me? Slutty? No! I cock a brow at her, prompting Mei to expand upon her point. "First you go and call out the crappiest swimmer alive and then you conveniently bury your face into his captain's pathetic chest muscles!" she exclaims, plummy voice raising several octaves due to her hysterical amusement. My brows furrow.

My cheeks burn, I tighten my fist and move my arm out of Mei's grasp. As I walk away with as much dignity as Mei left me with since most of the boys in the club, except conveniently Mikoshiba Sei and the other senior swimmers. I turn to face my roommate again, several paces away from the exit.

"Hey Mei-chan, he's my twin brother you idiot!" I yell, allowing my anger to overflow and if that act of insubordinance toward Mikoshiba Mei-chan wasn't enough, as I turn to walk out of the pool house I conveniently flip her off with a smirk on my face. Victory is mine!

Mei-chan holds a score of approximately 1000 victorious stand offs while I have claimed my first. I grin as I enter the dorm I share with Mei. Quickly I change into a green knee length dress and matching plimsolls, I put my dorm key, phone and some money into my black bag and head out, not intending of going back to the dorm for a while.

I walk aimlessly for a while, ending up in the town centre of the Iwatobi school district. I'm not too far from the park I used to play in with my brother Aki as well as Rei. I stare longingly at the old slide and swing set, fond memories re-surfacing. I smile to myself as two children race toward me. I blink, both the boy and girl look puzzled however the boy appears to be shyer than his companion.

"Hello?" I greet them. "Are you lost?"

"Ni-sama is over by the park, we're playing hide and seek." the girl exclaims.

"I think your Ni-sama will want to find you soon, should I take you back to the park?" I suggest. The girl sassily turns up her nose at me however the boy gently tugs on my arm and nods. Consequently I take both of the children by the hands and lead them back in the direction in which they were said to have come from.

"Ren? Ran? Oh God! Ren? Ran? Where are you? Ren! Ran!" a frantic yet familiar voice calls out. I blink.

"Ni-sama!" the little boy wriggles free from my light hold upon him, soon after the girl does too. Both sprint toward the familiar voiced boy.

"Tachibana-san?" I ask.

"Ryugazaki-chan!" he gasps.

"Hi." I wave.

"What is this, the second time today." he laughs.

"Ni-sama you're bad at hide and seek! You're not allowed to get your girlfriend to help look for us!" the girl chides.

"Now now Ran. She's not my girlfriend." Tachibana-san reprimands.

"Of course she's not! Ni-sama has a boyfriend, dummy!" the boy shrieks. I watch in amusement as Tachibana-san's cheeks burn.

"Haru-chan isn't my boyfriend Ren!" he shouts. I giggle.

"Kids, assuming that everybody is everybody else's boyfriend or girlfriend." I shrug.

"Do you have siblings Ryugazaki-chan?" Tachibana-san asks.

"Only older siblings." I shrug. "Please call me Aoi." I tell him.

"Only if you call me Makoto." he laughs. I nod.

"Hey Ren, let's go on the swings! Ni-sama will you push us?" the girl, Ran pleads.

"I can't push both of you." Makoto whines.

"I can push one of them." I offer.

"Really? Surely you have something better to do with your Saturday." Makoto gasps.

"Not really, I can be bothered to deal with my witch of a roommate sine I flipped her off for dissing Rei's swimming capabilities." I reply, only partially telling the truth about why I flipped Mikoshiba Mei off.

The kids hop onto the swings and Makoto and I lightly push them.



"Well you look nice for doing nothing." Makoto compliments. I blush.

"Thank you Makoto." I duck my head.


"Higher! Higher!"


"So Makoto, tell me about you?" I ask. Why do I want to know? So I can find out where I know the name Tachibana Makoto from.

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