8- meetings

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important note at the end

mariam p.o.v

i saw them coming from distance so, i brought the car to life and went to pick them up , the only reason i let them together all this time was because i thought they fancy each other but their face don't look so positive . naill's not  so comfortable with his sister being with harry alone , even if he knows her for a day he's still a protective brother , he looked so tense i tried to assure him that she knows the place and won't get lost but he just half smiled at me , any way , now jess sitting between harry and naill , while louis's in the front with me , , louis was looking out the window and texting his girlfriend , he talked to me about her as a sweat girl that he really love , her name's eleanor . liam and zayn are following us with another car apparently me and liam are the same case,  just got our Lassen's and want to drive every where and to anywhere ." so guys, what took you so long " naill patted his hand as he talked with a fake smile . " um no where , we got some ice cream then rode a bike and came here . " harry shrugged his shoulder but his look for jessi exposed his cover as he looked really nervous , i wonder what , i'll get it out of her later . naill looked at me from the mirror as if he's asking if i'm buying this , i just nodded to please him , he seamed satisfied with the answer after that we got  in a conversation about any and every thing , even louis got in a little while he waited for response but when his phone buzz , he  turned  his head and smiled .aww he looks so in love . , ha , i wonder if i'll ever find some one to smile at my thought . " have you ever had boyfriend ?" harry asked

" uh i didn't but mariboo here did twice " jessi answered , her answer satisfied harry and catches naill of guard , " uh do you have one now ?"

" now it's done from more than 7 months " i said quickly

" uhh why what happened ?" he's less tense now , " my first crush was for a friend of mine , when we started dating , it sort of affected our friend ship so we agreed on stop dating and stay friends and my crush just faded away by time , the  next time , i'm not even sure if i can call him a boyfriend  mom always wanted to put me in an arranged marriage with one of her friend's sons , and when she actually wanted me to meat someone , i did just for her , but he was a jerk and i couldn't take him for more than a month so we broke up , yeah that's pretty much everything " i said i took a long breath , honestly this was never a touching subject , naill seamed so caring , but i'm not so dramatic to start crying when someone mention my ex . saying an arranged marriage brings back so much funny memories . even thought jessi didn't get to see him but she always made fun of how he talked , man , he was such a diva , he wanted to be a model and you know models , even boys care about their nails , when he took me to dinner , he ordered salad while i ordered pizza , and flirted with other model girls right in front of my eyes . anyway naill seemed happy with my answer , he had this cute thinking face on " naill just ask her " harry hissed at naill

" shut up harry " naill hit harry's chest but was careful on jess " ask who ? what ?" jesii asked as confused as i am , harry whispered something in her ears and i narrowed my eye between them and naill ," ohhhhhhh , yes naill  don't worry we 're both are " jez said looking at naill who had his face red , i think i know where this's from ,

skip this day cause it's taking so long and i'm getting bored "

naill p.o.v

next morning , i woke up by sea waves sound , i looked beside me to find liam and harry are still asleep , three of us in  the same room , the sun shining from the curtain , i got of bed and got a quick shower and went back to put my clothes on ,then moved to the window so i can get a better view out of it , the sun wasn't completely there yet but fine enough that i can feel the warmness all over my body , cars and micro bus were running on the grey floor called street but weren't that much it was still calm comparing to last night , this city is noisy and buzz but somehow magical ,  i don't even know how long was i here beside the window looking down at people enter in and out from Starbucks , i actually consider a good cup of coffee but the boys won't like me going there without them so i just went with my second thought , which is preparing a breakfast for every one , that will help with the fact that i wanna do a nice move to word my family . i made my way to the kitchen , the fresh air and worm sun keep me in a good mode , i looked at my phone to find the time is still 5:30 wow if i woke up at this time in London it would be bitchy black and very cold but here it's not , it's just              relaxing .i kept searching in the kitchen to find what i need , some stuff i know and other i have no idea what they are but i got them anyway  "morning ?" i heard from behind me and looked to see jessi taking small steps forward while holding the wall and sensing the world in front of her , without a word i rushed to her and took her hand and put it on my waist 

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