10- beauty

7 2 1

Harry p.o.v :

Normally when I thought about Egypt , I'd think about the mommy movie , the pyramids and people living in deserts , half of them called Al Arabi or Gaber .

But I'm proved wrong when I am in the bus seat for only five hours but saw so much beauty .

 the sun falling down on the sea is more than enough to make my breath hitch ,and seeing the dolphins dancing in harmony as if they were preforming a beautiful show and  singing , makes my heartbeat sing with them , I'm a man that traveled the world , I saw a lot and I know how to appreciate real beauty .

To my left was a beautiful mixture  of blue and green , and the sun protectively hugging it. while to my right , there's  another beautiful scene , the air breathing in her hair getting it to her face while I tickle it behind her ears not to bother the pretty girl in her sleep and make her as comfortable as possible as she's tackled to my side , cuddling in my arm and her head laying smoothly on my  right shoulder , it's too bad that she can't see the beautiful sight , I wonder if she knew how beautiful she is , how captivating she is , how comforting her presence is ,

even in her silence .It's like she speaks it all   .

even if you're new to her , it's  like she knows you too well .

even in her blindness , it's like she can see my every move ….

The bus stopped at the city we were supposed to reach , the security following in another bus , we arrived to a villa , it's small and cozy . perfect for a vacation , it was colorful and gave away the summer fun . it had some pink and blue swings beside the small pool in the middle ,

" See those flowers? " Jasmin spoke from beside me and I nodded as if she can see me , stupid harry

" a um yeah , they are beautiful " I said looking directly at her " I garden them usually , or I used to , I'm glad I'm back so I can take care of my babies " .

" Do you like gardening ?" I asked .

" I didn't use to but when we first got this villa , it was soulless it needed something , colors , smells , fun , everything. so we colored it , Mohamed made the swings and Miriam painted them then I took gardening " .

" Well you'll have to show me your garden sometime ".

" Sure , oh – and we better go , Miriam is calling for rooms ".

" Ok , so Bella , you get the master room , Niall and Jess will get the one beside it , ok boys who would you like to pair with ? "

" I call boobear " I called first .

" And I call Mariam " Zayn called . and I don't know why but that was a bit unexpected , I saw Niall from the corner of my eyes giving Zayn a glare , but really dude the man is engaged , give him a break .

" Wait does that mean that I have a room by myself? " Liam cheered .

" Well yes Liam , yes you do . " Bella said .

" YES , finally , I'm not with those smelly rats " he cheered .

" Well then it's done , Hazza get the bags " Louis said and ran off , leaving me to carry all the bags , offfffff , stupid Louis , Niall took Jasmin's bags and took them to their room , and Zayn's got Mariam's , and Liam got Bella's .

GREAT  and now , they're all gentlemen , carrying the ladies bags , and I'm carrying Lou's .

Zayn's p.o.v :

" Hey Zayn . do you have any sisters ?" Mariam asked as we were hanging our clothes.

" Yes actually , three , you know you look like one of my younger sisters " I said smiling , actually , that was the reason that I'm a bit protective over her , she reminds me of my family that I miss dearly .

light place in the heart (harrystyles /1d fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now