Insanity (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

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Everyone has a part of them that is full of insanity. Some can hold it in better than others, but there's a select few who can't control it. When the fine line between ordinary and psychotic is erased, and you are pushed beyond the breaking point, you become insane.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself crazy but 99 percent of the human population would. I live in NewHaven Psychiatric Institution, it's not the nicest place around but I'm alive right? I was put in this nuthouse three years ago for burning my step father in our own home. Now that sounds insane but I swear if you were in my position you would have done the same or even worse.

The past few months have been the most boring I have ever experienced. Day after day, hour after hour, non stop I have worked my butt off to get out of here. After all, i'm a perfectly sane 18 year old that just wants to live her life.

At this moment I was sitting in the "social center" or so they call it, where announcements are made and we have the chance to talk with other patients. Though I never talked to anyone because they were all truly insane. Some young some old, but I never saw the meaning in trying to be friend with these crazy people, we're all screwed anyway.


"The arrival of patient 74 will be occurring in the next hour or so, thank you"

In a way I was excited for this new person to be introduced. I'm always so amazed with how peoples minds work, I wonder what they did? Ate a man, skinned a child, endless possibilities.

After waiting and waiting, staring at a blank wall, I heard the large swinging doors at the end of the room being unlocked. Two strong guards walked through holding a man by the arms. I couldn't quite see his face but he looked about 20 years old. He had a tall build with a fluff of curly brown hair on the top of his head. I saw around me, many other patients looked worried as if he would break free with his superior strength. But how would they know, they're crazy.

When I stood from the table I was at, the man's gaze focused on me. I was in shock as I took in his dark features. He had large green eyes and bushy eyebrows that were furrowed into a frown. The new patient stopped where he was and stared at me with a smirk playing across his pink plump lips. My mouth opened in awe, I couldn't believe such a boy could possibly be stuck in this madhouse.

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