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Jay was carrying a bouquet of red roses for Cia which slipped from his hands onto the floor .On hearing the noise Akash and Cia turned and saw Jay. Cia was shocked to see Jay.

"Jay what a surprise I never expected you to come to Nahan. everything fine at the office or is there an emergency ?"

"Who the hell is this guy?"

''This is Akash."

"Cia why don't you introduce me properly? I am Akash , Cia's fiancee. and by the way who are you?"

"I am Jay, Cia's boss. Cia you never informed me that you were engaged."

"Akash you go home. I need to speak with Jay, alone"

"Cia ,bye darling I will come tomorrow after lunch." saying this Akash left.

"Jay please don't leave I will explain what was happening."

"Cia he is your fiancee. He has every right to kiss you. How long have you been engaged?"

"Two years."

"You were engaged and you slept with me ? I hope your fiancee is quite broadminded who doesn't mind his future wife sleeping with other men. Why did you sleep with me Cia? Were you experimenting with me before your wedding night? Did you want a new experience? How will you rate me as a lover? Was I good enough for you or Akash is a better lover? "

"Stop it Akash."

"Cia I am Jay not Akash. He must be good if he has made you forget my name in fifteen days. What sort of a person is he who has left me alone with you? Does he know that his future wife is no longer a virgin?"

"Jay stop it. I am not like this. Akash was my fiancee still I did not sleep with him. I slept with you because I had feelings for you."

"Cia you are like other women infact much worse. At least women in our circle are truthful. They don't behave as innocents like you do . I don't trust you anymore. I don't want to hear anymore of your lies. Just go"

On hearing this Cia was heartbroken she was crying but Jay seemed oblivious to everything around him . He felt as if someone had hit him hard.For the first time in his life his heart had started to believe in longterm relationships maybe even love.But Cia had destroyed everything. He would never be able to trust anyone again

Cia was shattered. She had not been kissing Akash. Iit had been the other way round. Akash had been forcing her to reconsider her decision of not marrying him. When she had spoken of love and passion he had tried to kiss her forcibly.Jay had entered when he was kissing her and assumed the worst of her. Now he was not ready to listen to her. She simply walked away with tears in her eyes. Her life had become a mess since Jay had entered. Love was very painful.

Next morning she packed her bags and came back to Gurgaon accompanied by a serious looking Jay. The entire journey back he had not spoken a word. Once or twice she tried to speak but he would either ignore her or turn on the radio to avoid listening to her. She had had a restless night, crying all night so she slept for most part of the journey.

Jay was furious with her. She had played with his emotions fooled him into believing her innocence while all along she had been committed to her. The only thing which bothered him as to how she had slept with him being engaged to someone else.

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