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Cia was back on Wednesday morning. When she left for office in the afternoon Jay was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes were searching for Jay.Kalpana informed her that Jay had come back on monday and left for an early morning flight on Wednesday.
Cia felt dissappointed .she had wanted to see Jay one last time before leaving her job.

The next two weeks passed working hard and giving finishing touches to all her clothes.
By Friday it was time for her to leave.
Sahil and Mrs Kalpana had arranged a small farewell lunch for Cia.
With a heavy heart Cia said her goodbyes to all the workers, to Mrs Kalpana whom she now regarded as a motherly figure and lastly Sahil who was now a dear friend.

As a sake of curtsey she said goodbye to Veronica who slyly remarked that leaving was the best decision she had taken.
"Cia I wish you good luck for your new life and this time I hope that you do not try to trap your boss."
"You had no chance with Jay. Jay needs someone who belongs to his social circle in short someone like me.i believe your decision to leave is the best decision you must have taken in recent times."

Sahil interrupted her,'Veronica do you have to be bitchy towards her ? She is one of the nicest girl I have known."

But Cia stopped him from saying anything further,"Veronica you are a snob stuck in your social circle. You can never care for somebody. So it is useless to make you understand something."

Akash had come to pick her up on her parents insistence.They left in the afternoon so that late night they would reach home at Nahan.

Her mother noticed that Cia was not happy. She would rarely smile, eat almost nothing and would stay in her room most of the time. She new that something was wrong with her daughter and her behavior showed that she was suffering from heart break.Even after staying in Nahan for a week she was not planning for a new job.She had asked Cia once or twice but Cia would change the topic.

Akash tried to cheer her up but all his efforts were in vain.Once or twice he took her for dinner but she was always sad.He still loved her but he knew her heart belonged to someone else. Once he proposed to her stating that he loved her very much and he believed that his love would be enough for the two of them but she refused.

"Akash I cannot spoil your life. you are a nice guy and you deserve much more. you should get married to someone who loves you."

"But Cia I love you and I know eventually you will get over this phase and start loving me. However I am prepared to wait."

"We will not discuss this till you are ready Cia."

Jay was back. The first thing he noticed was Cia's empty cottage. On reaching office he was immersed in his work till evening. Still before Mrs Kalpana left he enquired her if Cia. She handed him Cia's resignation letter. He was both shocked and furious. Cia had left him without even a back ward glance.

She was so selfish. It proved that she had no feelings for him even though he had missed her so much.

The next few days were plain horrible. He missed her terribly. By now he had come to realize that he loved her.

Sahil had been observing Jay for the past few days. He decided to talk to him

"Something wrong Jay?"

"No, I am perfectly fine. Why do you ask?"

"You are angry most of the time shouting at everyone, behaving as a perfect beast and you say you are alright ?"

"If work does not get done properly I have to shout to get it done"

"No you are behaving as a jilted lover, as if somebody has broken your heart. Are you missing Cia?"

"Who Cia, that irresposible girl ,who left without a word ?"

"Cia informed you well in advance she was leaving. She also completed her work before leaving. So, she is not irresponsible."

"Well,Well.. I see she has another admirer."

"Shut up Jay I am her admirer and I would be so happy if she felt the same towards me but you fool she loves you. She is one of the nicest person I have met"

.​"Oh my god what have I done? I was so rude towards her ."

"Jay go to her. Nahan is not so far off."

​"But Sahil she is engaged to someone else."

​"No, she is no longer engaged. She broke her engagement when she went home in March."


"What do I do now? I have accused her of misleading me so many times that she will never forgive me."

"Cia is such a caring person,a soft hearted girl who will forgive you because she loves you deeply."

​Jay went to Nahan on Sunday.He went to Cia,s house directly but she was not home. She had gone out with Akash she was informed by her mother.Jay was feeling jealous but he had to trust Cia this time.

Cia,s mother was looking curiously at Jay. Jay calmly informed Cia,s parents that he loved their daughter.He wanted to marry her. In a traditional manner he asked her hand in marriage from them.

​Cia,s father was confused but her mother gave him her blessings.

Cia came home half an hour later and recognised Jay,s BMW.
Jay was sitting with her parents having a cup of tea with them. As soon as she entered Akash saw Jay and left. Even her parents left the room.

​"What the hell are you doing here Jay?"

"Cia I have come to apologise.I have behaved very wrongly with you."

"I don,t believe you have come all this way to apologise.Speak up and please leave."

​"Cia please at least listen to me. I have never been able to trust any one specially women.My step mother Kavya is mainly responsible.She pretended to love me as my son before getting married to my dad but after marriage she changed. In fact the day of moms death she did not even let me meet my father. And the next day she blamed me for her death stating that she had offered to help but I had refused. My father was very angry and never trusted me after this incident.

Cia please come back. I miss you. You are the only joy of my life."

"Jay I forgive you but I cannot come back."

"Why can't you come back?"

"Jay I know Veronica is a part of your life so I cannot come back."

​"Who said this? Veronica and I have never been more than friends and I can assure you that I have never slept with her.Cia I want you back and I can do anything for that."

​"Jay please don't try to persuade me I will not come back. Why should I go back? Is anything wrong with the collection?"

​"Cia you are so naive. I want you back not in the office but in my life. Cia I love you. Iwant you back as my wife. I cannot imagine my life without you.I miss your laughter in the morning,I miss your arguments. Ever since I slept with you I have not even looked at another girl. You have spoiled me forever.I want to wakeup in the morning by you at my side. I want to be able to make love to you at night and early in the morning. I want to tour the world with you.I have never felt like this before and even if you don't love me I will make you fall in love with me. I cannot bear the thought that you get married to Akash and he kisses you or touches you. You are mine and mine only."
​Saying this he put a beautiful diamond ring on Cia,s finger.

"Cia will you marry me? Will you be mine forever?"

​Cia had tears in her eyes."Yes,oh yes I will marry you but not beacuse you love me but because I love you from the bottom of my heart."

Jay kissed her passionately and she kissed him back.

Cia called her parents and gave them this news.

​"Sir, I love your daughter and we want to get married as soon as possible but I will give you two months to plan the wedding because I cannot wait more than that."

​Cia's parents were overjoyed and they blessed both of them.


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