Lucas pt2

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Dear Lucas Pt2.
Well, what do I say. Now that you want me back. You are an asshole Luke. It took me three years to get over you. Three fucking years. Years that I'm never going to get back. I'm not mad, I'm just so astonished. Right when I found my safe place. Right where I know where I was going. Right when I just gave up trying to forget you and accepting that I'll never forget. Right when I gave up my feelings and moved on. You didn't even need to call me to say it. You released a whole fucking album. Yeah, you finally realised your big mistake. I was really hoping you wouldn't and then I can just go on with my day without you bothering me about it. I can't.
I wrote a letter to you long ago, that was supposed to make up for this letter. Since that was supposed to be here. I'm saying that this is returning of Dear Luke. A Dear Luke Pt 2, Pt 1 was about how much I loved you. Pt 2 is here to say fuck you.

Your not clever at all , not the slightest bit sneaky.
We're done.
- S

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