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Dear Michael,

I was stupid, I know. I didn't have to change what we had. It would have been better if we just stayed Best friends. I didn't know Ryan would try to come back for me. Things went wrong, and it is not your fault. I know I made you wait for a long time, and I made you leave a perfectly good relationship just for me. You gave her up just for me. I won't ever take that for granted, but I sort of wished that you didn't make that decision. I loved you for your humour and the way you support your friend who live miles from you. I loved that you only played the games that your friend makes. And I loved how you would share your favourites of his with me. He could have been very successful if he were to publish his works. I'm sorry for your loss. I knew you guys never met, but that was made it so special. I feel bad, he was your only friend. Who stayed as your friend. I know that you called me babe when we weren't even dating, but we were so close. I love that you didn't care whether I had problems or not. You talked to me everyday, the same. When we were together and when we weren't. Your texts never change by the occasion. It didn't feel like we were dating, it felt the same. But we texted I love yous every night . That was the only difference. I know you may never want to face me again, and you don't have to ever text me. But promise me that if we ever do meet by accident, that you'll be fine. Cause I know you blocked me and you stopped talking to me out of nowhere. But I understand, I was down and I took you down with me. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. But never the less, I had loved you.
You are my second, sadly wishing you were my first.

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