Part 31

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I quickly picked it up, expecting my mum calling. ''Hello?'' I quietly answered with my morning voice. ''Julia?''

It sure as hell wasn't my mum. It was Joachim calling probably because Daniel had already told him what has happened.

''Yeah?'' I said, not bothering to say anything else. ''Are you okay?'' Joachim asked me, I could hear worry in his voice. ''What do you think?'' I asked him, trying not to cry two minutes after waking up. He sighed and remained quiet for a few seconds. ''I wish I could be there for you right now. When are you coming home?''

That got me thinking. How do I even leave without Daniel going with me? I know that my mum is coming, but she's gonna leave at some point. Not to Norway but back to Spain.

''My mum is coming. Soon I think, so don't worry-'' I started talking, soon breaking down. The tears slowly made their way down my cheeks and to the bed sheets. I still had mascara on so the white sheet soon got grey at the spot under my chin.

''Julia please don't cry. He's not worth your tears. I swear to God I'm going to beat the shit out of him when he comes back. And you still haven't answered my question about coming home.'' He said, now walking around his apartment.

''I don't really know. We are supposed to leave this evening, but I don't think I'm going on a plane with him.'' I answered him and started playing with a necklace hanging around my neck. The necklace Daniel gave me a few days ago. I looked at those two birds on it and started crying even harder. I took ahold of the necklace and quickly took it off of my neck, tearing it apart.

''I'm looking for plane tickets right now. I can be in France in the evening. You're in Dunkirk, right?'' Joachim asked, me widening my eyes.

''No Joachim, you're not coming here. My mum's already on her way here, I don't need an army with me. It's not like we're going to kill eachother.'' I said, slowly starting to calm down.

''Okay. But please keep me updated on when you're coming back. I'm picking you up at the airport and then we're watching movies and stuffing our faces with ice cream, okay?'' He proposed and I liked the idea of it.

''Okay. Thank you for being the best person on whole world, Joachim. I love you.'' I said and then we said our goodbyes.

I then stood up from my bed to brush my teeth and take off last night's makeup. When I did that, I checked my phone for messages from my mum. There weren't any. Instead, there were thousands of messages from Daniel.

''Baby please open the door''

''It wasn't like that I promise''

''I'm so sorry Julia please I love you''

And so on. I rolled my eyes and deleted them. How could he be so stupid? The only thing missing in his messages is that it happened because he got drunk. As if.

After doing my business in the bathroom, I turned the TV on and started watching a show I didn't know the name of. It kept me entertained until my mum had showed up.

''Julia? Are you in there?'' I heard from the other side of the door and quickly opened the door. I didn't say anything when I saw her. I only hugged her as tight as I could. ''Mum thank God you're here.'' I said, her drawing circles on my back with her hand.

After that, she made me explain everything to her. She got mad and afterwards sad.

''Baby I'm sure he can explain it. That boy loves you more than anything on the whole world. Believe me.'' She said, looking straight in my eyes.

''But how in the world could he explain that? I mean I saw it with my own eyes, mum. They were kissing.'' I sighed, fidgeting with my fingers. I know that she loves him like he's her own son, but I didn't think she'd defend him.

''He already explained it to me. Please hear him out.''

''Mum? You already talked to him?'' I seriously thought she wouldn't do that before hearing me out. I rolled my eyes and looked at her, waiting for an answer.

''Julia he slept on the floor, in front of your door.'' When she said that, I put a hand over my mouth and looked in my lap. ''Did he really? I didn't want him to that. I feel so bad now.'' I said, pulling my knees all the way up to my head so I could rest it on them.

''I'm calling him here now. I think it's time for you to hear him out.'' Said mum and called him. The conversation was really short and I couldn't hear what he was saying. ''He's on his way here. I'm leaving the two of you alone. And remember, he loves you more than anything. I know that, I hope you do to.'' And with that, she left my room.

There was a knock on the door right after she had left. ''Come on in.'' I said, not wanting to stand up from my comfortable position on the bed.

Daniel entered the room with roses in his hand. He looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes. I think he's been crying not long ago.

He slowly approached me, looking at me for a reaction. But I was numb. I couldn't even blink after seeing his face. After seeing the picture of him and the girl in front of me again.

He put the roses in front of me and I took them, lightly smiling. I didn't want to be rude.

I patted the spot on the bed beside me and he sat down. ''I don't know where to start exactly. Or I do. So firstly, I love you. I hope you know that. Secondly, know that I'm telling the truth. I swear.'' He paused for a second to breathe in some air. He looked at me and then started speaking.

''After you had gone to the toilet, I had a few more drinks and started to get really dizzy. I almost fell off the chair I was sitting on and a girl helped me sit on it again. I swear she looked exactly like you. Or at least I thought so at the moment. I thanked her, thinking it's you and then kissed her. I admit I kissed her first. But I would never if I knew it wasn't you. I don't really know what to say now. All I can say is sorry for what I've put you through.''

The One That Stole My Heart (Daniel-André Tande)Where stories live. Discover now