Offline sunshine (Hoseok x Reader)

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Twitter, Facebook, Vapp. There are enough ways for you to see him. He sends photos of what he is doing with his hyungs or texts in which he expresses his love for you or tells you he misses you. Technology is what keeps you connected. Because of you, Hobi has another reason to always keep his phone near. Yet you wish he would sometimes put it down and enjoy some time offline.

Next time he is back, you will make sure he does not touch the damn thing.


Later that month, when he is back from touring, you decide to go out to the beach together. The day is bright and the breeze makes the high temperature bearable, constantly bringing a refreshing coolness.

'Let's take a selfie to remember this day,' Hoseok says with his ever so cheerful voice as he pulls out his iPhone and searches for the right lighting for the picture.

'We don't need a photo, we can just create a memory. Something only we can share.' Arms crossed over your chest and your tone slightly stern, you grab his attention.

'Sunshine, is everything alright?' Hearing his pet name for you makes you heart flutter. Even though you secretly hate to be addressed with a term of endearment, you respond nonetheless.

You relax your composure a bit, showing some vulnerability. 'Just put the phone away.'

Hearing the beaten tone in your voice, he asks no questions and heeds your words. With concern in his eyes, he walks over to you. 'Care to tell me what's bothering you?' he inquires whilst gently rubbing your arms.

The damn smartphone is what is bothering me, is actually what you want to say, but you do not want to seem clingy. No, this needs a different approach. 'It's just that I want some time with you, offline and without cameras of any sort, even if it is your own. Just us for a little while, without the world knowing.'

His lips curl up in a small grin. 'You know I will never share a picture of us or just you without your permission.'

'I know, but I also meant the boys in this case. Just this once I do not want them to know what we're up to. Moreover, even if you send a photo to them, there will be a risk it will get leaked anyway. Not by them of course, I would trust them with my life, but there is always someone working behind the curtains that is skilled and can steal such information without our knowledge. Hope, just for today, no phones.'

'Fair enough. You're right. No mobiles, no internet, no hyungs. Nothing but you and me.' His smile becomes even brighter when he notices the spark in your eyes as he makes the promise. This is what he lives for, your happiness.

'Thank you,' you mumble, a smirk forming on your face because of him. Whenever he smiles, he becomes contagious so you cannot help but smile too. Yet only his can rival the sun in brilliancy.

However, even though the glowing orb in the sky forms the life for others, Hoseok forms your life. He is your sun, your only sun.  

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