Scaredy cat (Hoseok x Reader)

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An otherwise quiet night is filled with screams, blankets and popcorn across the couch and floor.

Yeah, your boyfriend has never been one for horror movies, but this is his own doing.

A couple of days ago Hoseok ran up to you with a DVD he found called 'The Forest'.

''I heard it's really good, y/n. Maybe we can watch it together sometime,'' he proposed happily.

The reviews you read about it were not bad and the one time you saw the trailer, you were intrigued by the story. Keeping these things in mind, you agreed and picked a date to hold a movie night.

''Okay, I'm looking forward to it already,'' he said with his sunny smile.

Little did he know that bright grin would turn into a look of pure terror later.


Whilst Hobi is gathering cushions and blankets to put on the sofa to create a soft comfortable movie haven, you are busy with preparing snacks in the kitchen.

Just as the ping of the microwave gives the signal that the popcorn is ready, your lover walks in.

He wraps his arms around your waist as you are putting the food into a bigger bowl. ''Are we ready?''

Your e/c eyes lock gazes with his dark brown ones. ''I had never thought to see you so giddy about seeing a scary movie,'' you tease him.

He pokes your sides, causing you to flinch a little because of the tickling sensation. ''Very funny, y/n. I am not some scaredy cat.''

You think back to your first date. The two of you went to a fair and there happened to be a ferris wheel. It took a lot of convincing to get Hoseok to ride it with you.

Never had you forgotten the mortified expression and anxious tone in his voice when the cabin came to a halt at the highest point.

Nobody had ever been as happy as him when you were back on the ground. He even almost kissed it if he could.

''No, you are such a manly man.''

He notices the sarcasm in your response. ''I am and I'll prove it.'' With two glasses and a bottle of cola, he walks back to the living room. With a sigh and shaking your head, you go after him.

He may be holding his composure now, but how fast will he give in and hide behind a pillow, under a blanket or use you as a shield against the imaginary terrors?

Leaning against him and resting your head on his shoulder, whilst he puts his arm around you and pulls a blanket over the both of you, you sit down to watch the DVD.

Remote in hand, he asks: ''Ready?''

''A better question is if you are?'' You cannot help but poke fun at him. It is just too tempting.

He scoffs and mumbles something inaudibly before pressing the 'play'-button.

As the movie progresses, you notice that Hoseok's grip on you tightens.

''Are you okay?'' You look at him with a mix of a slight triumph and concern.

''Huh? Yeah, I'm fine,'' answers absent-mindedly.

''In that case, can you squeeze a cushion to death instead of me?'' You hand him one of the nearby pillows, that gets immediately crushed by his hands. Luckily those things do not feel anything.

Some time later you see Hobi burying his face in the pillow out of the corner of your eye. When you put a hand on his upper arm, he flinches. ''We can stop the movie if you want,'' you say softly, kind of regretting turning him into a frightened mess.

He firmly shakes his head.

''Okay, if you say so,'' you resign and lean back once more to enjoy the film.

Just when he grabs a handful of popcorn, still entranced by what is happening on the screen, a jumpscare happens and the snack flies everywhere. The whole couch and your h/c hair are sprinkled with a layer of puffed up corn.

He notices what he has done and puts the movie on hold. ''Y/n, I am so sorry,'' he apologizes, his face a combination of regret and shock.

You laugh. ''Hobi, it's alright. Just admit you're scared.'' You want to hear him say it and assure your victory.

''Okay, I am terrified.''

''I knew it,'' you respond victorious, happy he finally admits it. ''But do you still want to see the rest?''

Pushing him to do something he does not want to, especially when is scared like this, is the last thing you want to do.

''I started this, so I'll see it through.'' His answer is more confident and determined than he looks.

After cleaning up the mess, you resume watching the DVD.

Hoseok is gradually building himself a safe barrier of pillows and blankets the more you watch. Every now and then you hear a muffled scream from him.

By the time the end credits roll he is as pale as a ghost.

''Y/n, can I... stay over tonight?'' he asks with a trembling voice as you retrieve the disc from the DVD-player and put it back in its box.

''Don't you dare to go home?'' you ask him teasingly, but add with a warm voice and matching smile when he shakes his head: ''Of course.''

''And... I can't believe I ask this, but... can you sleep with me? Here on the sofa, I mean?''

How can you say no when he looks like that, unnerved and wrapped in a blanket?

You nod and nuzzle up to him as he covers you with the fluffy piece of cloth.

''I did like it though,'' he mumbles softly. ''We should do it more often.''

You caress his short dark brown hair. He always enjoys that, because it calms him and makes his worries go away.

''Agreed,'' you approve before falling asleep, his cheerful smile being the last thing you see before everything becomes dark.

Hoseok may not be the toughest, but that does not mean that he is weak. He is simply himself and that is all you could ever ask for.

He does not have to change, because he is already your manly man.  

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