Chapter 2. My Bestfriend Has A Secret

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"well i called to see if you.maybe wanna go with me...?"says brandon.

*i dropped the phone*

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH he asked me omfg i thought he would never.Its like a dream come true.Holy Pooop I need to answer him.

"sure ill go with you"i said. *with a huge smile on my face*

"cool,i guess ill see you there".brandon said.

*he hangs up*

Even though i gave away 20$ and i have to give the ******* of the class the answers to the test tommoroww.I still got asked out.Oh my jesus i need to tell kristen i gotta find clothes. *i slap my self in the head* i wonder if he likes me..........;)

*i call kristen*

(1 minute later)

"kristen,kristen,kristen,kristen,omfg kristen"i say.

"what,what,what.........??????"she said.

"brr-aan-nnnddooon"i say but i can barely speak.

"what about him.....jen?"she says.

"he asked me to the dance."i say

*thought the phone you can hear both girls screaming*

"when"she asked ancoiusly.

"just now,come over today i need your help with my outfit and stuff"i said.

"okay im on my way!"she said.

(10 minutes later) I ran down the stairs before my grandmother got to the door. "who is it...?"she hollerd. "kristen"i say. I open the door and yell "kris" and run up and give her a big perky huggg. We both ran up the stairs in my room so the boys wouldnt hear.My brothers are annoying when it comes to clothes.But my baby sister wasnt home she was with my uncle so no KIDS!!!!!!!!Yayayayayay lol

"so what you ganna wear....?"said kristen.

"to be honest you tell me,i really have no idea?"i said fustrated.

"well thats why im here to help you out!and im your bestfriend its what i do :)"says kristen with a smile across her face.

"do you think he'll like me for me?"i say.

"oh course he will,baby your a fire work :D"kristen says.

"Thanks kris what would i do without you and your lyric stealing self!"i say.

*we both smile and laugh for a little* (4 hours later)

"Finally,after trying on 7,984 outfits we found one."said kristen.

"I love it"i say.

"me to,and i love how its blue and small plus super cute"kristen said.

"i like it to,im not ganna do anything with my hair but wash it and leave my curls out!"i said.

*kristens phone rings*

"one sec,jen"she says.(she walks out the room) Me still in the room looking in the mirror wondering why i cant be someone else.Kristen didnt know but i heard everything her conversation with someone was so ******* up.It went like this.


"where the **** are you?I told you to buy my cigerttes 3 hours ago.What the **** do you think you alive for.I dont tell you to go by your ******** friends.You work for me you little hoe.Now get home and you better have ciggertes or im ganna ****** kill you."someone

"okay,im on my way"kristen

(then she walked back in the room)

"hey jen i gotta go,but ill try and come back tommoroww?"says kristen.

"okay,see you to more bae love yeah"i say.

"same,bye"she says.

"wait kris you know you can tell me anything right"i say,

"yeah, i know im fine nothing going on i gotta now"she said nervously

(she ran out)

Im really scared about kristen.I think shes hiding something like child abuse.And that scars me but if she says its nothing then its nothing i guess.But i still have a small feeling she has a secret....

(next day)

Its first period and i havent seen kris all morning.I called her 6 times and i went to her house and i even called her mom.But no reply.And kris is now 35 minutes late.

(the class door opens)

Its kristen she walks in with a big gray sweater and sweat pants.With sunglasses that were real dark.So you couldnt see anything that happend to hey eyes.

"kristen"Mrs.Callek said

"yess"she said in a low voice.

"why are you so late..?"said Mrs.Callek

"i ummm had a family problem"she said

"well tommoroww im going to need a note from your parent saying why you were so late or im calling them"said Mrs.Callek

"okay"kristen says

Mrs.Callek went back to teaching social stuides.All class kristen didnt say a word her head was down.Thats not like her at all.And now i know somethings going on with kristen.But im still wondering why she would hide it from me.So after class i got up to ask her whats going on.

"kristen"i hollerd

But kristen kept walking.As if she was ignoring me.So i ran and grabbed her arm.

"kristen we need to talk"i said

"oh,jenny nows not the time"she said

"what do you mean we need to speak"i said

I pulled her to bathroom and pulled her up from slouching.And i took off the glases she fussed and tryed to make me not but i got them off.And the first thing i see is a black eyes that was swollen.

"Kristen what the hell happend to you"i said angrly

*kristen put her face back down as a tear rolled down her face*

"kristen answer me so i can help you i need to know"i say.

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