Prologue :"The Beginning

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Prologue :

            Swara Bose walked aimless on the road with no clear destination , her mind was filled with the event that transpired few minutes ago . The fact she was betrayed once again by some one she trusted made her question everything.

          When she woke up in a hospital a month ago after being in coma for two weeks ,  with no memory on how she got there , she panicked until  Sahil the person who saved her explained to her that she was washed away from a  river near his house . 

            The doctors had explained to her that  she must have fallen  from a cliff and got hurt , they believed she tried to take her life but when she couldn't remember how she fell ,they ran few more tests and told her she has forgotten some of her recent memories on further test they concluded she lost about a year worth of memories.

              The doctors advised two days of bed rest before travelling back to her home  and swara had no choice but to accept the orders . And later that night she woke up with a fragment of memory , and saw the face of the man who fired his gun pointed towards her .

                    When she reached home she realized her life had been turned upside down during the one year as her mom was married to her neighbour and she gained herself a sister , she was happy for her mom and relighted about her few family  until she saw him again the man who tried to kill her .

                 When she screamed he was the one who tried to kill her ,no one believed her .Not even her mom and they all said it was because she lost her memory . And she found the real reason few days later when she stumbled upon their marriage photo and just like that her life fell apart .

       Her family were on his side. She knew he tried to kill her but they refused to believe her ,claimed that he loved her .

  Every day of her life felt like a year  after that , Until she met him , Kissan the man who made her laugh . She trusted him way too much and today she found out he was her husband disguising himself as someone else. In the shock she slapped him and walked away not willing to trust anyone else.

               She walked and walked aimlessly on the buzzing road. She ignored the calls from her sister and her best friend Sahil continuously. She was not in the mind frame to answer their calls.

           She forgot memories not because she wanted too but everyone is playing games with her because of that.She cant trust anyone and no one seems to be on her side except Sahil the man who saved her life .

      She trusted Kissan , how can she except that behind that innocent mask was Sanskar her husband,the guy who tried to kill her. She had enough of games and betrayals from eveyone.

      She stopped on her tracks and wiped her tears, finally made up her mind on what to do next and changed direction and walked to her destination. 

              Sanskar Maheshwari stood rooted on the very same spot, the world seemed to be slipping away from his grasp. He tried everything to make her understand that he didnt kill her, he even went as far to disguise himself to the person called Kissan so that he can be near her and make her trust him enough that she wont think of him as her killer.

            But even that plan failed miserably today and his wife the love of his life had just declared she wants divorce and walked off.The word divorce brought back so many painful memories. Just when he thought he will never have to hear the cruel word  there it was  staring right back at his face. He felt so lost at the moment.

But if there is one thing Sanskar Maheshwari wont do is give up.And he will definitely not give up on his wife . He  knew he have to act fast before he loses her completely. It took him few minutes to come up with another plan and he hoped it will work this time and he walked towards his destination. 

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