Chapter 1 : "My Family Trusts Him"

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    Swara didnt know if she heard it right, is it really happening she wondered , the fact he agreed to give her divorce surprised her .But why did he change all of a sudden,she didnt know the answer to that yet.

    Then her mind stumbled upon the fact on what if it was his plan all the time, force herself to ask for divorce then pretend to give it making himself innocent in the eyes of everyone including her family. But he said condition.What could it be , what sort of game is playing, she had no clue.

         She looked directly at him to gauge his reaction but she cant read very well maybe because all she saw was sadness and pain depicted in his face especially his eyes it was filled with sadness as he said those lines  ,or maybe he is that good of an actor.After all he fooled her into thinking of him as innocent guy named Kissan.

        " Why do you think i will agree to this stupid condition." Swara spoke up as she decided she need to know more about his plan before rejecting it, She couldnt trust him. 

      " You dont know the condition yet Swara , arent you curious what it is, what is it the one thing that you need to do to be finally free from this marriage and be free of me the person you distrust the most " Sanskar spoke up and Swara saw the business side of the man, She learnt from her family he was one of the prominent business man in Kolkatta and it was evident in the way she found herself wavering.

          " Dont worry Swara, i can hire the best lawyer in the world and will get you the divorce you want, No need to listen to him anymore .Let's leave" Sahil spoke up and Swara realized she had totally forgot about his presence beside her. She also didnt like him interfering either.

       " Sahil  stay out of it. You dont want to mess with me  right now. And if you hired the best lawyer then i will make the lawyer back out in an day or hire someone better . You dont know me so dont underestimate me or the extent i will go for my loved ones especially Swara". Sanskar voice raised a little as he answered Sahil. 

          " It okay Sahil let me hear what he got to say ,So what your condition that will guarantee my freedom " Swara tried to defuse the situation before the got into a fight 

             " Simple i need 30 minutes , No just 15 minutes of your time.I need to talk to you, and you  need to listen to every word i say.And even after that if you want divorce i will sign the paper right then and there ." Sanskar voice was answered with confidence that swara was surprised .

                   What does he think of himself she wondered , what could possibly change in just 15 minutes. She knew he tried to kill her and she wont trust him .And if that all she need to do to be finally free she will do it right this instant she decided 

                     " Okay..Talk i am listening.." Swara answered curious of what he could possibly say to change her mind.

     " Not now. Not when you are angry,tired and restless .So whatever i say to you will not get through to you. I cant waste those precious minutes by talking to you now. Let talk two days from today and you  choose the time ,but not now . And i will ask my lawyer to prepare the divorce paper by then ."Sanskar replied back to her

       "Okay, Be here by  10 AM then. And bring the divorce papers with you, because you cant change my mind Mr Sanskar Maheshwari. Now Leave my house "Swara spoke up desperately holding on to the need for distance ,she didn't want him to change her mind in those two days .

  " No Swara, i will prepare the divorce papers , He might betray you once again ."Sahil once again interfered but Swara found herself trusting him given the fact he was the one who had the best interests of her in his mind .

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