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Error sat in his void and made a new doll for his collection. Besides trying to destroy AU's it was pretty much the only thing he ever did all day. That is when he wasnt bothered by that annoying virus who could just turn his mood from bad to horrible but as much as Error hated him he was still glad to see him every so often. He didnt even know really what was up with that guy most of the time. It was bad enough that he walked around in thouse awefully bright clothes but what made him even worse about him was that he was constantly comming to bother Error, not only like once a week he was pretty much near him every day.

Error was brought out of his thoughts as he felt a hand on his shoulder, he didnt even have to turn to look at them to know who it was beside him. "Go awAy aNd never cOMe baCK agAiN FreSh. HaVnt yOU fiNalLy gOT it ThaT I dONt wanT yOu hERE ?" Error hissed and slapped his hand away. "Aw come on glitchy. Even you need someone with you~" Fresh poked his cheek and sat down infront of him. "I DOnt anD if I WouLD iT wouLd defIneTly nOt be You I waNT TO spEND tImE wITH !" He put the doll he was making away and mumbled to himself, glitching more. Tilting his head to his side Fresh stared at him blankly for a while before he looked at the doll "How many of these do you already have ? You sure got a lot of free time so I asume a lot, right ?". "TsK aRE yOu trYinG tO StaRT a coNVERsatIoN wiTh mE ? WEll WhAtever ... I haVE qUiET a fEw of theM" Error looked off to his side "YoU can StarT juDGing me nOw. Go oN. MAke Fun oF me FOr dOinG sOMEthInG lIkE tHIs". Shaking his head in responds Fresh took the doll Error started making and looked at it "Yo what doll are you making now ?". "NOt surE" the glitching skeleton said quickly and took the doll away from him as he looked to his side "NoNe of yOUr busINeSs anywaYS". "Awh come on. I'm just tryin' to know some more about the stuff you do" Fresh mumbled and leaned closer to Error. Blushing lightly Error scooted back "NOt so C-cLOsE ...". But Error blushed only brighter as he heared Fresh softly chuckling "W-WhAT's sO fUnnY aBOuT thAT ?!". "I've just never seen you blush so it's a bit surprizing to say the least to do now. I must say a bit more color would do you good" said the colorful skeleton as he got back to his feet and looked down at the other "I could help you to get more colorful ~". After saying that Fresh leaned down to pick Error up, holding him thightly pressed to his chest which made Error squirm around in discomfort "P-puT mE baCK dOWN ! PlEAse I d-DOnt like THis !!". Ignoring the pleading cries Fresh carried Error through a portal to his home, to his room to be exact. Error finally manidged to squirm out of his grip and whined as he glitched more "..I h-H-HatE yoU ...". "Nah you dont" Fresh opened his closet and started searching for some clothes Error might fit it. As soon as Error had finaly calmed down he realized where he was and gulped "W-wHy ex-". "Here !" Error was cut off as Fresh shoved a striped rainbow shirt in his face "It'll make you look less emo". The glitchy skeleton stared at it for a while before he took it "...seRiOuSly ? WHy tHe HeLl WoUld yOu CAre How I lOok lIke ?". "I have my reasons... You have to stop being so unfresh though so try it on " he grinned stupidly and put his hands in his pockets. Softly growling under his breath Error took off his jacket and the shirt he wore. A light indigo blush spread over Fresh's cheeks as he looked over Error's bare chest which was of course noticed by the other. "C-CAN YOU NOT STARE AT ME LIKE THAT ?!" shouted Error clearly embaressed and quickly slid on the shirt he was handed. They both stood there in an arkward silence for a while and just avoided eye contact. Error broke the silence after what felt like hours "...THis shIRt sTIll sMeLLs liKe You ..". "O-oh ... you can take it off again if you what" Fresh mumbled slowly looking back at him. "N-no ! I liKE iT ! It'S juST tHAt ... Y-YOU KNOW WHAT NEVERMIND ! I'LL G-GO NOW BYYEEE !!" Error opened a portal but before he stepped through it he planted a kiss on Fresh's cheek. Fresh face little up in many different shades of purple as he put his hand on his cheek and watched the portal dissapearing again. He slowly came back to reality and sat down on his bed to process what just happened, he'd surly go back to Error and talk about what just happened...

(Sorry I'm so slow with updates ;-;)

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