New message from pj🥀
Pj🥀: oh my gosh dan are you okay?? I told Chris what happened and he went nuts on you and I tried to tell him not to and I can't forgive myself for doing nothing, he could of killed you, you could die of injuries. I looked up on google what could of happened to you and it said you could have brain damage and I'm so sorry I have fallen out with Chris for that horrible move and I'm so sorry please forgive me and I understand if you don't want to be friends with me or forgive me ♡
Danny👻: okay i forgive you x
Pj🥀: omg do you really????? Thank you Daniel hoewll
Danny👻: hoewll ?
Pj🥀: omg sorry autocorrect and I can't thank you enough
Danny👻: I really like that and I am going to change my nick name to it
Pj🥀: really
Hoewll💁🏼: yep haha anyway got to go bye 👋🏼
Pj🥀: goodbye friend ♡
A/n I swore I've wrote this?