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Murder. She couldn't get that word out of her head. She had just witnessed a murder. Who had died? None other than her best friend, Sophia Marto. Struggling to hold in her sobs, she ran back to her car. Reefing the door open, she tried to start the car but her shaking hands wouldn't let her put the key in the hole. Afraid he might be coming after her, she tried one last time. Victory. She got the car started.

Just as she was about to leave, there was a thump on her window.

Startled, she jerked back, hitting her head on the window. Groaning she rubbed her head, looking over, there, looking as neat as ever was her dad. Hair tousled like he had run his hand through it, briefcase in hand.

Breathing a sigh of relief; it wasn't the killer. Leaning over to unlock the door, she caught a glimpse of something silver in his front pocket. Pausing, she leant closer to get a better look at whatever it was. Her dad, however, shoved his spare hand into his pocket, blocking her view.

Sighing she opened the door. Totally unprepared for the conversation that was going to come.

'What are you doing here?'

No surprise there. That was always the first question he asked her. No, 'are you ok?' Just, 'what are you doing here?' Like she didn't belong.

Picking her words carefully, she replied.

'Just clearing my head.'

He narrowed his blue eyes at her, trying to detect a lie. However, he wouldn't find one. It was true. She was clearing her head before... well, before that happened.

'Ok,' he sighed.

'What are you doing here?' she inquired, trying to play it cool, like it was no big deal. But really, what was he doing out here. Not a single car insight, no hotels or houses for miles, and yet here he was, just walking around casually.

He tensed.

'None of your concern,' he spat.

Taken aback by his cold demeanour, she flinched. Her dad was never like this.

'I'm sorry. That was uncalled for,' he sighed. Rubbing his hands over his face, he leaned right back into his seat.

'It's ok, let's just get you home dad, I'll brew us some hot chocolate when we get there.'

'I can't sorry, I have to go to the station, somethings come up. Can you drop me off?'

Again with the station.

'Sure.' No. I really don't want to.

Starting the car, she reversed out of the parking lot.


After the awkward car ride with her dad, they finally reached the station. Gathering his stuff in a rush, her dad opened he door with more force than necessary.

'Stay safe dad.'

The door was slammed shut.

'Wow, love you too,' she mumbled under her breath.

Driving off she arrived home within half an hour.

Ignoring her stomachs cry of hunger, she flopped on her bed, darkness consuming her vision within seconds.


Soooo... Thoughts? Sorry it's boring. I didn't have a lot of time this week. School and all, takes up a lot of your time unfortunately...

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