Welcome to Crayele

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   I look out the window of the cab. Buildings surround the cab on all sides, apart from the lines of the streets. We slow to a stop due to an annoying stop light, and I look out the windshield. The bustling city of Crayele is full of honking and some screeches of brakes.

   I came from a city, but not a very big one. It had no skyscrapers (that actually scraped the sky, at any rate), and barely any noise. I lived in an apartment, one that my city friends would call roomy when compared to theirs. It had a bedroom, a small living room, a 3/4 sized kitchen, and two bathrooms. None were the biggest, but I still liked it.

   We start moving again, off to my new apartment that was sure to be smaller. I dreaded myself going into it and finding that it was too small and that I would have to move out.

   After 30 minutes (or so) of driving, we finally come to a stop. The cabbie turns back to me and says, "1201 Red Sun Avenue?"

   I nod and get my stuff. It's not much, just one suitcase. I travel light, and I sold all of my furniture before I got here. My bank account is full of money, and my atheist pendant is safely tucked in a pair of my packed jean's pockets.

   A man with black gelled hair is standing in front of the building. When he sees me get out and admire the building, he smiles. "I hope you like it, it is going to be your home."

   I return the smile. "It's impressive enough, I think it'll work."

   The man chuckles. "Well, enough small talk. Let me show you to your room."

   On the elevator ride up, he talks about the new Religion Laws. "...And, of course, if you're an atheist or any other religion that does not believe in a God or higher power, then we will evict you out of your apartment."

   I nod, not wanting to talk and perhaps make him elaborate. After a moment of silence, I finally say, "So, what's your name?"

   The man smiles apologetically. "Sorry for not saying earlier, I'm slightly stressed. Anyways, enough excuses. My name's Tyler. Tyler King."

   I smile. "My name's Winter Young."

   Tyler's eyes brighten slightly. "That's a beautiful name."

   I blush slightly. "Th-Thanks."

   Tyler sees that he made me slightly awkward, but the elevator has arrived at my floor, the 32nd floor.

   I smile. "I think I can find it from here."

   Tyler digs in his pocket and hands me the keys. Our hands fumble against each other for a second, then Tyler stuffs his hands in his pocket again. "Room number is 3204."

   I nod. "Thank you, Tyler."

   Tyler nods. "Any time."

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