Finding A New Job

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A/N: Sorry I'm not updating as often as I would like to! I'm sort of forgetting about this, then I update when I remember. (Yeah, you can kill me now.) I'll try to update more often and try NOT to forget about this.

    I glance down at my watch. It's only 12:30, but it feels so much longer. Finally, Tyler walks in. 


    I look up. "Yeah?"

    "Alexis wants to see you."


    I get up, and tentatively walk into the office I've been waiting to get into for over three hours now. "Excuse me, ma'am?"

    Alexis turns to face me. "Ah, Winter, is it?"

    I nod.

    Alexis smiles a businessman smile. "Good. I've been waiting for you. We at The Hamilton (Sorry, couldn't resist) Apartments have wanted you on our computer team for a while."


    "Please don't call me that. It makes me feel older than I actually am."

    "Alexis, I'm not the best at computers."

    "Winter, when you took the classes you breezed through them. You didn't need them." 

    "Still, I'm not the best."

    "Winter, I personally think that you may be the best out there."

    I think about that. "Alright, I'll join. But if I fail, don't blame me for not warning you."

    Alexis laughs. "I won't. Your work will start tomorrow."

    She turns away, gesturing me to leave. Which I do. As I'm walking out, I realize that Alexis was smiling the entire time. Like I was one of her pawns about to take out a queen in a chess game. A very elaborate chess game.

    I take the elevator up to my floor and open my door. Once I'm inside, I close it softly and go to lay down.

    As I'm walking to my bedroom, I see something on my counter. Upon closer inspection, I realize that it's a small box of chocolates. It has a tag on the side for you to sign your name, but it's still blank.

    Even though it's supposed to be anonymous, I have a feeling that Tyler dropped it off.

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