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Athena's POV

" Why do I get sick and you guys don't" I whine for the millionth time to them doing some gang business. I'm laying on the couch and all of them are at the table discussing important stuff with a non-virus. I have the virus and it is so not fair.

After me asking so much they stopped listening and started ignoring me. I am sad and depressed I want to cry. Don't blame me. I'm the one with a bipolar disorder here. Yeah, that's right I got an excuse. I am seriously starting to go haywire on my emotions it's been a long time since I took my medication and I am starting to lose control on my emotions. My eyes water, but then I suddenly feel a surge of anger pass through me like a wave. I stand up angrily and kick a random shoe across the room harshly.

Angry tears spill out of my eyes. I start screaming a bit but quite down. I notice everyone staring at me, but I ignore their looks and storm towards the kitchen still crying. I go to the pantry and take all the sweets I can get. I know I am exaggerating but I can't help it. This is not a joke. I have no self- control and I am crying like a baby. The past is staining my memory. Ever since I was little I got different kinds of medication to try to keep me in control.

Janet and Jalyn come in with a worried look on their faces. They look at me with all the sweets piled up and me eating it and relief passes through their eyes. The come up to me and start staring into my soul. Their eyes say ' Spill'.

" I have a bipolar disorder and it has been a long time since I took my medication" I say bluntly taking more sweets so I can wallow in. They look at me with sympathy. I hate being sympathized because there are so many people that have it worse than me and it's not like I am going to die tomorrow.

" We will take care of it, okay?"  Jalyn says softly. Man why are both of these girls so gorgeous. Inside and out. While I am an average potato. I sigh and look up at them hopefully.

" Will you" I ask hopefully and softly in response I get a nod and warm smile from both of them. I give them a big smile. Wow, I got serious problems. I skip back to the room where the guys are discussing gang stuff. They let me hear but at the first minute I fell asleep.

Don't blame me it was the couch. It was comfortable. When I walk back to the living room I see this huge scary man. Everyone pauses and looks at me. I see the guy doesn't look like any ordinary guy when I tell you he's scary believe me he's scary. The bald scary dude is bulky and tall but something that  brightens my curiosity is a huge scar and a tattoo on his face. His tattoo is coming out of his head but I can't see what it is because he is so tall. I start walking up to the dude causing him to narrow his eyes at me daring me to take another step but I continue walking to him with confidence despite the objections of the guys and girls. I stop when I am right in front of him and he looks at me in surprise for continuing walking up to him. I reach my hand out and lightly trace the scar and the tattoo and he visibly tenses looking like he is having a mental battle with himself. I also notice that like Jacob he has this cold guarded look in his eyes.

" That's a really cool tattoo" I say looking at him with my warmest smile and he looks at me hesitantly and looks over at the guys.

" Is she mental or blind" the dude says pointing at me. While I look at him sheepishly.

" We don't know anymore" Jacob responds rolling his eyes. I try not to look offended but I can't help and wonder if I could was really as annoying as I felt right now. We all can't help but have an insecurity. Maybe that's the reason I was bullied. My smile slightly wavers but no one takes notice of it so I decide to change the subject.

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