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Sup my monsters, Miyuki here. I can't wait to hear what you all have to say about this next chapter. Just a heads up, I don't have a regular update schedule so if my updates are random, I'm sorry. I only really update when I am bored or in the mood. You know what I'm sayin. Lol anyway here's the next chapter, hope you all enjoy it. I will Catch You Monsters later. bye. 


Ickis ran and he ran all the way to his shared room in the Academy. Once he was there he rushed over to his bed and without a second thought reached under his bed and grabbed his suitcase. With tear stained eyes he ran over to the cabinet to grab all his things, like his toy sponge that his mother had given him, his comics and some food that he had stashed away for midnight snacks. He rushed back over to his bed and put everything in his suitcase. He then grabbed his pillow and blanket and add them into his luggage. Once he was done packing he lifted his heavy bag and started for the exit. Now you might be thinking "Ickis what are you doing? I know you feel bad but running away isn't the answer." Well to that let me say that Ickis felt abandoned. He didn't believe his father truly loved him, he felt that his father blamed him for his mother's death. Now that he didn't truly have any friends Ickis was completely alone. Most monsters are very sociable, and is rare for one to be found living alone for long periods of time. However every time a monster is found living a life of isolation it is because they had a bad life. They were made fun of, neglected, and hurt both mental and sometimes physically.This causes this monster particular to fear other monsters because of their history with them. Ickis is a rare case indeed when it comes to this. All the students at the academy make fun of him and some such as Zimbo and the Snorch gang up on him and hurt him. His father ignores him and hasn't really spent that much time with Ickis since his mother died.  All his mental damage comes from being scared all the time; being scared of the Snorch, the Gromble, and being afraid of abandonment.

Now one of Ickis worst nightmares have come true. He was completely, utterly, undoubtedly alone.  With that in mind Ickis rushed out of his room, ran down the halls as fast as he could without drawing attention to himself. (Not that anyone really cared what he was doing anyway.)  He came to the entrances of the sewers and didn't even hesitate, this place had been his hell of the last several years, and now that he didn't have any ties to it he could leave without a second thought. 

(Random POV switch. To The Gromble: still in third Pov)

 The Gromble had been patrolling the halls when he saw his pupil, young master Ickis, run by caring what looked like a bag of sorts. Now usually the Gromble would just roll his eyes and continue walking down the hall, and decide to deal with the child later. However this time something stopped him in the brief moment he had to look at the young child he noticed something strange. Ickis had tears running down his face just as fast as he was running down the Academy hall. This came as a shock to the old monster for he had never seen Ickis cry. Yes he had seen him whine, and scream, and pass out from fear, but never not once had Ickis ever cried in front of anyone. So to see the young monster crying in plain sight of anyone who was paying attention was an unnerving sight to see. 

The Gromble frowned as he thought this over. It was too late to chase after the boy.  However he could ask the boys friend if they knew what was wrong with their young friend. The Gromble made his way down to the trio's room to find Oblina and Krumm. Once arriving he heard the voices of the children inside so he walked in without caring what the children would say. As he walked in they immediately shut up. Which was suspicious to the Gromble but he shrugged it for there was more important matters at hand.   "Krumm, Oblina. I just saw the a MOST peculiar thing having to do with young master Ickis. HE RAN DOWN THE HALL with a big bag, however that's not what was peculiar, heaven knows I have seen that boy do many things and run around with many peculiar items, one thing I have not seen Ickis do before this moment is cry. Now can either of you USELESS MAGGOTS tell me why I just saw Ickis run down the hall crying his eyes out like no one was around?" The Gromble stared at his two pupils who looked shocked, angry, and annoyed. This was not the reaction he had expected out of Ickis's two best and possible only friends. Several seconds went by and The Gromble lost all his patience with this two children. "You will tell me everything you know ABOUT WHY ICKIS LOOKS LIKE HIS HEART WAS RIPPED OUT, and you will tell me this now or I WILL PERSONALLY SNORCH YOU EVERY DAY AFTER CLASS UNTIL YOU GRADUATE! Do I make myself clear?"  Oblina and Krumm had never been more scared of the Gromble until that moment. All traces of anger and annoyance were gone in favor of fear, embarrassment and a small amount of guilt (it's there just not a lot). They then proceeded to explain everything that happened. They told him how Slickis pays them every month to hang out with Ickis and to help him in school, they told him how Ickis overheard them talking negatively about him, and how he ran away moments after. 

The Gromble was in complete shock. He couldn't believe that Slickis would do that, and he couldn't believe that two of his best student could be so heartless toward someone that put all their trust on them. "I am severely disappointed in the both of you. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE."

"What's the big deal, Ickis isn't a bonsty anymore he can take care of himself. He doesn't need use to babysit him every second of every day of the year." Krumm said gaining back his annoyed attitude which severely pissed off the Gromble. "Krumm, Ickis is a very sensitive little monster who takes everything to heart, and you may have just pushed him over the edge. We may be monster Krumm, BUT WE ARE NOT HEARTLESS DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" Both Krumm and Oblina where now starting to feel more and more guilty with every passing second. They may not really like Ickis, but that doesn't mean they have or had the right to trick him or treat him like he was nothing more than a means of making some quick money.  After the Gromble had taken a few deep breaths to calm his anger, started to pace the room. With this new information he now had he needed to find Ickis and help the poor child. Unbenounced to him all his earlier yelling had drawn a crowd into the small room and everyone was now worried for Ickis. Even if he was annoying nobody wanted him to get hurt.  Everyone was in shock as well that Krumm and Oblina were tricking Ickis. They all sat in silences for a few moments just watching the Gromble pass. They all jumped when the Gromble gave a troubled gasp and ran to the cabinet. Once at the cabinet he noticed that all of Ickis belongings were gone. He looked over to the bed only to see the blanket and pillow gone as well. The Gromble's eyes went wide. Ickis hadn't just rushed out to cry, he rushed out to run away. The Gromble knew now that the child didn't want to be a scarer. He knew that Ickis only wanted to impress his father. Now that the child had proof that his father didn't truly care enough to help the poor boy and that his only friends were in fact fakes, this was just enough for the child to finally decide to run away.  

"Your Grombleness, why did you gasp? What have you discovered?" Oblina asked in a shaky voice. She was still worried about what The Gromble would do at this point. There was a pause before the Gromble spoke. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Then the Gromble finally spoke saying that he knew why all of Ickis's stuff is gone and why he had saw him carrying a bag down the hall. The Gromble turned to look at all his students that had wandered into the room. He looked at them with sad, angry, and disappointed eyes. He was so disappointed that his pupils would treat someone in such away that it would cause them to do what Ickis has done. "Young Master Ickis, has run away from the Academy, and I highly doubt that he will every truly want to return."


(Sup my monster, Miyuki here. That was a heart wrenching chapter to me and I almost cried. However this chapter is not done. This is a cliffhanger. Which upsets me, but I need to go to bed before I get yelled at. I will continue this chapter in the next part. It will be about what Ickis was doing during this chapter. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I will Catch you Monsters Later. Bye)

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