Happy Belated Valentines Day?

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Sup guys! Ky here!

Valentines is over...obviously. A solute of respect to those who didn't spend their time thinking about relationships. Everyone else, taken or wishing for love, don't stop. I'm more of a person to despise couples on valentines day and think they are cute any other time.

A "friend"(not sure if we are considered that) had actually told me that he hates valentines day. I tried to find out if it was because of heartbreak or something and he said no. It was mostly because people go crazy trying to show there love someone on this one day when they should probably be showing this everyday.

He had a point.

What about this day makes people decide to make surprises and what makes it so much more romantic than any other day? In my opinion, I'd rather have a surprise on a random day that a cliché one like valentines or Christmas.

My questions to you:

Did you have a valentine? Who?

(No. Didn't care about it at the time. But now it would be nice to have one. Just saying)

What is your favorite "love candy"?

(This means candy sold on Valentines. I say milk Chocolate. I would say those candy hearts with those cute little messages on them but I haven't had them in years due to being vegetarian. Its upsetting to know that all the stuff I used to love can no longer be eaten due to ingredients. Incase a few of you vegetarians out there didn't know, always check for gelatin in candy. Don't eat it)

Any future hopes of a relationship and kids? Explain.

(Heh the way I worded it made it seem like a school question. I do indeed want to marry. My goal is three kids. Two boys one girl maybe. I just want the boys to be older and sort of have a sister complex. Its so cute to me. But who know with the world today. They may all just hate each other for existing. I'm probably thinking unthinking unrealistically. I've read to many books on here. Power to the reading addicts!)

If there is anything cute or a nice valentines story that you'd like to share with me and/or the peoples, feel free to do so. PM me, comment, do as you like. Let me know your answers to the question. I'd really like to know.

Guess what! I have a laptop now. This makes me so much closer to being able to publish the first chapter of my first story. I'm excited but I'm lazy so lets hope I can get through it. I actually think it maybe a bit successful.

Anyways. Let me know your answers and there is a high chance of a reply from me. I actually care and I have no life.

M'kay deuces!

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