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Hey guys. So today is going to be different. This is going to be a bit of background on me. I'm going to tell you somewhat of a story and the reason why I'm telling you.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, in the 5th grade year of a young Ky, there was a boy...

OK I'm done already imma just explain it.

When I was in 5th grade, I had already been developing and everything, making me have my period within my 3rd or 4th grade year and I was literally the tallest student in school.

I never had actual friends in my elementary years or my middle school years in fact. So my 5th grade grade year really had me as some people call...shook.

There was this boy that I had never noticed before and I had crushed on him from a distance for the longest time. I would ask some people who I had considered somewhat friends if they had known his name and described him as best I could. For maybe a month we went on trying to find this dudes name.

Let's just call him Blake for my sake and for anyone else who might actually know me or this story.

We finally find out his name and they picked at me about it. It was friendly of course but with the picking came the gossip. I'm telling you. The news spread like a fuckin' wildfire, bruh...Sorry, excuse my French.

Just about everyone knew about this dude and how I liked him. After a while...people started to Set. Us. Up.


I'm a shy child who barely talks to anyone and sits in the back, not doing anything. SO HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HANDLE THIS?!

This led to almost 4 or 5 people trying to play match maker. Sooner or later, a girl I'm gonna call Marie, actually talks to him and me individually.

Any time we walked by each other in the hallway, she would call us out. This girl can also never keep a secret by the way.

Turns out he likes me too.

She got us to a play where during recess...you guys remember that show?...yes? No?... OK back to subject.

During recess, while we were on opposite sides of the track or the playground, she would use her playtime to go back and forth between me and him and let us have somewhat of a chat. Thus didn't last long before she caught us both pretty close at the playground and popped the question.

"Do you want to date him?"

Keep in mind, my mother doesn't want me dating until age 16, which is a belief I can stand by at this point.

Recess was ending and I had to act quick. Do I lie to my mom and date in secret or do I stay true and leave a potential relationship?...

Recess is minutes from ending and Marie asks, "Do you like him?". Of course I said yeah. It was pretty clear at this point. And she throws back "then say yes". I seriously don't know and ask if he wanted to. If I'm going to say anything at all, he has to want to do this too.

She goes over to him and comes back saying he does. The teacher start calling us back from recess and I Had. To Act. Quick.

I'm panicking, I'm running out of time, I'm nervous. People are leaving the playground.

In a split second...I. SAY. YES.

She walks away satisfied and tells him.

While in this relationship, I hid it all from my mom. This went on for the rest of our 5th grade year. We would meet at recess since that was the only time we could see each other. We had no similar classes. We would stand by each other and talk to each other awkwardly.

We became the talk of our grade. He was the tallest boy and I was the tallest girl and people just loved it. Whenever people would talk to me, it was usually about my relationship.

Months passed, holidays passed. He knew I was hiding from my ma and he got me a bear, a ring, and a card for valentines. I got lucky that my ma didn't mind it when I said it was from a friend.

He said that he wished he could cook for me and knew I was vegetarian but he really wanted to go on a real date.

Day before graduation and our grade had a party outside. We talked for the last time before graduating. On graduation day, when my class was called, I had to pass him on our way to form a line and get graduated. He gave me a look and that had all the girls behind me, wildin'. KEEP IN MIND, MY MOM IS THERE!

Graduation goes by and I say bye to a few teachers and the principle and headed outside to my mothers car. I'm getting in the car and I see him HEADING OVER! I'm panicking and I'm hoping he would stop or my mom would pull off already. Which she did.

I never saw him again. I later find out he went to a military school somewhere.

I bring this up because I had just literally had a dream about him. NOTHING DIRTY YOU PERVERTS!

I had just woke up and started typing. That's right. I wanted to talk about it and I said "why not? Lemme share this and talk about this to my peoples, eh?

His name was brought up in subject a few months ago and I had just been curious about his whereabouts.

I also get bonus points for typing this out while my ma and the rest of my family are walking around me and being nosy. I was lucky that none of them grabbed my phone and ran away to read about my dirty secret.

No one but my friends and my lil sis know about it to this day.

So what do you guys think of my first somewhat storytime?
Too long?...
Not enough detail?...
Do you want more of these? I know I have some hidden somewhere.

Let me know how you guys feel about this and I'll be sure to give you what you want. What do you guys want next? What topics should be discussed?

M'Kay then. Dueces!

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