17- Morals- Jena

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I guess you guys really wanted a part two soooooo, here it is! Joe X AtlanticCraftFangirl as requested by three people, Iceshard1011nyancinder123 and Always4HarryPotter which crap, I must've done a good job or something? Or maybe it was the sorta cliffhanger feel? Either way, here it is.
*Jazz Hands*


Two weeks had passed and it only seemed to get harder. Cody still remained in a deep slumber and though the doctors said they would try something, there was no guarantee he would awaken again. Ever.

Jimena was doing her best to help out any ways she could, and thank goodness for that. I didn't realize how many things a king had to do until I was doing them alone. Normally, Cody and I would split it so I really didn't know how much we had. Plus, I swear there were a lot more citizens coming than normal.

With my girlfriends help and Rasmus, the weight was a little easier to bare. At least I had them. I'd hate to see what I'd do without them.

My emotions were... Stable. I think at least. It was getting hard to tell but everyday, I left out a little free time for me to go down to the hospital and visit my brother. I would talk for as long as I could, until either I had something to go do or until Jimena woke me up and walked me home.

But today was different.

Jimena and I sat at the table, eating and chatting. We were joking around, just like how we would two weeks ago. It was going well. I felt like myself again. I was... Happy.

And then Rasmus walked in, a look on his face that I found hard to read, but definitely looked dark.

His head lifted and met my eyes and I could read something deep in them. Anger, determination, vengence, things I never thought I'd see in him, and I just knew. I knew what news there was.

I stood up suddenly. "Where are they?" I demanded. "Where are the people who hurt my brother?"

"Person." Rasmus corrected. "This was only the work of one man, but a dangerous man. He lives in a small house in Sector Two. I recommend taking at least twenty soldiers with you-"

"No." I shook my head, eyes narrowing down. "This is personal. I can do this alone." I said, and marched towards the exit. Rasmus blocked my way.

"No. Tomorrow, you will take a minimum of twenty soldiers with you, do a safe investigation and bring this man back to serve justice, ALIVE. Understood?"

The two of us keep our gazes hardened until I gave in. "Fine." I grumbled and finally walked out of the room. I could feel their eyes on me as I did.

The sun went down, but I couldn't sleep. I stared up at the ceiling, only having one thing on my mind: Revenge. This guy, whoever he was, he needed to be brought down. And I wasn't going to wait to do that.

I yanked off the covers of my bed and silently made my way to the pedestals, where two weapons of unbelievable power were. One was mine, a great sword and the other, a spear, Cody's. I quickly snatched mine off of it, and felt a power rush through me as I did. Power from the Nexus always came easier to Cody but as I was told, my power was supposed to be far more powerful. Feeling that rush now, it only made me more sure that I would succeed in my mission.

I whipped around to leave, but paused and peeked behind me once more at the lonely spear sitting there. "Don't worry." I whispered. "Cody will be avenged." And I set off, knowing exactly what I was going to do.

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