20- One Day- Cotty (Cody X OC)

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It's been too long but I'm back and I have INSPIRATION!! Sorry this took so long but Cody X Kitty (OC) was requested by KittycatArtwork the creator of Kitty! Sorry this took so long and hopefully I wrote your character right!

Third Person
The loud knocking disturbed the feline's sleep. She blinked rapidly, starting to wonder if it was just in her dream when it happened again, louder this time.

Kitty sat up, letting out a long yawn before scanning her room for the clock. 1:04 AM, it flashed, making her grumble a bit to herself. Stretching and brushing her fluffy gray fur out of her face, she made her way over to the door, ready to see who the heck was put at this hour. Opening the door revealed her favorite penguin.

Well, the only penguin she knew.

"Cody?" She blinked, letting out a quick yawn. "Why are you up at 1 AM?"

Kitty and Cody had known each other for quite a while. They met a while ago when a concert went on, on the beach. The pair bumped into each other, quite literary, and hit it off. Since then, they've become good friends. Kitty herself was beginning to feel something different. Romantic attraction.

They had the type of relationship where the fact that Cody was here at this hour wasn't out of the question, but it did make her wonder what he wanted now.

Cody had a huge smile on his face, his body appearing to bounce slightly and the guy couldn't seem to stand still. "I might have chugged a whole pot of coffee twenty minutes ago to finish some paperwork! Sleep is for the weak anyways! Wanna go to the museum?"

Kitty's head tilted, skeptical. "The museum is open at 1 AM?"

"Yeah! It's open 24 hours a day, taking breaks on weekends! Since no one else would ever want to go right now, we'll be the only ones! WE CAN MESS WITH THE STUFF!"

The gray furred cat stifled a laugh. "Let's go!" She agreed. Cody's smile only became wider.

Kitty has maybe been to the museum once, but either way she couldn't remember it. So going in again was like seeing it for the first time.

The lady manning the entrance looked really surprised about visitors but let them in anyways. As they passed, she mumbled, "Its people like you two that we're open." To herself and chuckled.

Kitty's tail flicked in excitement as Cody held her arm and started to rush through the exhibits. With the whole place to themselves, they decided to make the most of it.

Stepping over the ropes, the feline climbed the fake dinosaur, with Cody giving her a boost before her claws did the rest. Once on top, she mounted before smiling below at the penguin. He grinned and snapped a couple pictures, having her pose in different ways while on top of a huge, fake, T-Rex.

She slipped back down, just in time to see the results of them. "That's a new screen saver!" She giggled before the snickering pair quickly made their way to another exhibit.

The race was on to get into as many exhibits as possible, posing in clever ways and overall avoiding the lone security officer who would walk through from time to time. So far, Kitty was winning by a photo of her acting like the sphinx from old Egyptian times.

Cody found himself determined to beat her, but as he passed by one particular place, he had to do a double take and then freeze all together. When Kitty found him, it didn't take her long to find out why.

This one had Poseidon in it.

It had a manikin dressed up in his clothes and wearing a fake beard, while also holding up his trident.
The real version of the trident.

Cody didn't move, causing her mind to race. "Wanna put his stuff on and pose like him?" To her joy, Cody grinned at the thought and immediately started to put on the manikin's clothes. Though he hesitated when grabbing the trident, finally he did, and made a triumphal pose.

Kitty found herself laughing and quickly taking a picture. Cody started to pose again when the sound of approaching footsteps stopped their hearts.

The security guard was coming back.

"I can't get out of these clothes that fast!" Cody hissed. "What do I do?"

"Keep them on and pose like the manikin!"


"Trust me!" She insisted and quickly turned to another exhibit, trying to act interested in it as possible. She could heard Cody grumbled a bit, but then he went silent. The guard came in, looked around before passing by.

Kitty whipped around, just in time to see Cody sigh with relief. She couldn't help but grin smugly. "Told you it'd work."

"Alright, I can admit that was clever." He chuckled. "I'm gonna get out of this, and then we should probably leave."

As much as she wanted to spend more time with him, she found herself nodding. "Agreed."

Cody and Kitty left, then started to walk back to her home, joking silently along the way. Though, at this late of hour, pretty anything was funny.

As her house came into view, the pace slowed. "This was fun." Cody smiled, walking her up to her doorstep. "I'd love to do it again sometime."

Kitty smiled, her tail flicking happily. "Same here. Are you busy this week?" She asked, trying to smother the hope in her voice.

Cody huffed, looking away for a moment. "I wish I wasn't... Lots of kingly duties. Unless you... Want to join me or something?"

"Yeah. I don't have much to do this week, so I'll see you then!" She smiled, opening up her door. They said quick goodbyes before going their separate ways.

As they started to ponder over the night, both came to one conclusion: They really liked each other.

Of course, both already knew that.
Cody knew when he found himself suspiciously too happy after a night of texting each other.
Kitty knew after one night when she got back after hanging out, and her heart was pounding.

Tonight, there were so many times when they almost admitted it to each other. Kitty almost said it after Cody's posing in a pirate costume, while Cody almost said it when she got him out of the gutter about seeing his Father's trident.

But they couldn't get it out.

"One day," They both found themselves saying.

"One day, I'll tell you how I feel."
Was that good? I TRIED! I tried to keep her in character while also making it as cute as I could! Did you like it?

First time writing someone else's OC in this! Hopefully, that went well! Sorry it took so long but here it is! I got inspired by the idea of a museum date after watching, "La La Land" because I was all like, I GOT AN IDEA

And this happened.

I hope you liked it! Be sure to comment your thoughts and farewell! Until we meet again!


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