***Before the Celebration***

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"You have raised a gorgeous young woman and she will become a wonderful regent of the land of the gardens." Lady Giuliana said to the woman sitting in front of her. "When the time comes, she will make the decent moves that have always been characteristic of Housing Libra. One day she will rebel against the queen and start a movement that will have powerful effects on the future of the Twelve Housing Lands." She took a moment looking at the arcana before her. "Yes, your beloved daughter will be having a very important role in the fate of all the lands."

Countess Laurette Signoret stood up and placed two silver coins on the table, then turned around and left the dark tent of the gypsy from Scorpio to go out into the morning sun to where her husband was awaiting for her. Lord Harcourt Signoret, Regent of Housing Libra, was waiting for his wife to end her commitment with the fortune teller, however, he was not alone. Next to him, Queen Audrey Rockford was standing with a puzzled and worrying look on her face.

The Regent Countess of Housing Libra had gorgeous brown hair, slightly tanned eyes and honey glittering eyes. It was easy to see where Alizée had got all her gorgeous coloring, her mother, Lady Laurette was truly an exotic beauty. For the Festival of Litha, she was wearing a gorgeous purple gown with pink see-through organza sleeves and a pink organza cape that was attached to the shoulders of the gown with two golden pins in the shapes of scales. The purple gown had different patterns of flowers and scales in golden thread. She was the vision of elegance, sophistication and seduction, however Lady Laurette always felt like Queen Audrey had, by far, much more elegance and sophistication than her.

"Your Grace." She greeted the queen with a gracious bow. "It is wonderful to see you."

"Likewise, my lady." Queen Audrey smiled and returned the bow. "It will be a fantastic festival, don't you think so?"

"We sure do." It was Lord Harcourt's answer. The Regent of Housing Libra was wearing a long purple vest with pink, golden and black threads. He was wearing black trousers and black boots as well.

"If you will excuse me. My lord, my lady." The queen moved through the couple and headed towards the tent of Lady Giuliana but before entering the tent, she turned around and added. "This will not take long, would you mind waiting up for me so that the three of us can head towards the festival together?"

"Of course, your Grace." Count Harcourt bowed with a smile then turned towards his wife. "So, what did she had to say?"

Queen Audrey continued into the tent of Lady Giuliana and slowly moved into the darkness of the room. Her bright scarlet gown seemed to turn into a deep wine color within the darkness and the candle light only made the golden threads on her gown sparkle more notoriously. In front of her was the gypsy from Housing Scorpio.

"Your Grace." The gypsy bowed. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to know how." Audrey said bluntly while looking into her eyes. "I am not going down without a fight. My family is not going down without a fight."

"As you wish, your highness." Lady Giuliana selected a few arcana and displayed them on the table in front of the queen. "The Queen of Dusk will rise and she will bring the waters with her to drown the royal court stripping you off of all power. If you care about the well-being of your people I would suggest you to prepare yourself, your husband and your daughter. She is on the rise, her strength is growing and soon she'll be ready to burst out her attack. Your home is your safe place. Remember that, your Grace."

"Are you trying to frighten me into staying locked into Kingsley Palace?" Audrey snorted.

"No, your Grace." Giuliana sighed and looked into her sparkling emerald eyes. "As the Queen of Dusk grows stronger, your surroundings will become more dangerous to you. Which is the only place where you have absolute control of everything and everyone?"

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