Once upon a time there was a very powerful man named Barack Obama. Obama was bathing his chicken. The sun was shining, intensifying the august heat. Suddenly, a dog materialized out of thin air and broke the spray-bottle.
“at last,” said obama. “the chicken has meowed.”
The chicken looked up at his master. Obama was covered in feathers as white as the ocean.
“one day you will be purple.” promised Obama.
Obama carried the chicken to Mexico. There, he met Dora.
“lets go exploring!” dora exclaimed.
“what a wonderful idea!” Obama agreed. “we need to find the Antidote for Purpleness so my chicken’s life can be complete.”
“we need directions!” dora wailed.
“I'm the map!” the map declared.
“oh map, you’ve saved the day!” Dora hugged the map.
“I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the…”
Obama grabbed the map by the throat. “WE KNOW! EVERYONE KNOWS!!!”
“ I didn’t know,” Santa stated.
“SANTA!!!” Obama threw his arms around santa’s chunky body. “WHERE YOU BEEN BRUH? I WAS THINKIN’ YOU WAS DEAD!”
“BRUH, I BEEN IN THE HOOD UP NORTH! IS SO DAMN FROSTY UP DERE!” Santa said, returning the embrace.
“I FEEL YA BRUH, I FEEL YA!” Obama nodded.
“im the map!” said the map.
“who dat be?” asked Santa.
“IM THE MAP!” said the map.
“map! We need directions to find the Antidote for Purpleness so obama’s chicken’s life can be complete!”
“to find the Antidote for Purpleness, you need to go to Iceland and beat the furry troll. Then, you need to go to England and kill the Screaming Siren. Lastly, you need to go to Walmart and torture the cashier in isle 4 into giving you the Antidote for Purpleness.”
“first we need to go to Iceland! Backpack! Regurgitate some coats!” dora commanded.
They all put on coats made of pig’s ears, hopped on sparkly unicorns, and rode the Rainbow Highway to Iceland.

This Story Has No Name
Short Storythis is the result of my boredness. its actually pretty interesting