You're Alive?! || Brynjolf x Reader

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Title: You're Alive?!

Pairing: Brynjolf x Reader

Summary: Brynjolf reacts to you being alive all along

Part: 1/2

Warnings: Fluff.

Notes: May be out of character. Any platonic relations between the reader and characters are how my Skyrim characters get along with them


You and Karliah walk through the Ragged Flagon, ignoring the multiple looks of shock and hatred from the few people in the tavern.

You raise your eyebrow when you don't see Delvin, Vex, or Brynjolf in the tavern. You didn't mind Vex being gone, she was to confident in her skills, something that could fail her.

You turn your head to continue looking at the back of Karliah's hood, heart racing. What if the Guild kills both of you on sight? What if you are branded a traitor? You couldn't live with that; they were like family to you.

Karliah seems to share your worries. You can barely hear her shaky breaths as you two easily throw the cupboard. You also don't fail to notice her hesitation to enter the Cistern.

"It'll be fine, Karliah," you say softly, though more for your own sake than hers, "as long as we get Gallus' journal to them, it'll be fine,"

Karliah nods, "I'm just nervous of seeing them all after so many years on the run," she says and you understand. Even though you were only gone a few weeks, it felt like eternity.

You were scared for what Delvin would say. He was like an older brother to you and his disapproval would be tough. You didn't care one bit of Vex's opinion on this subject.

Though the one person you cared about the most was Brynjolf, and his opinion would destroy you if it is one of disapproval. You fidget with your fingers momentarily before inhaling deeply.

"Let's go now before the three in the tavern come to their senses and attack us," you say and Karliah nods in agreement and enters the Cistern, you behind her.

You peek over her shoulder to see Delvin, Vex, and Brynjolf approaching you two, swords drawn and looking angry.

"Karliah," Brynjolf speaks, his accent thick, "You have a lot of nerve to show up here,"

Karliah shifts her weight, "I know, but I have something you want," she explains and the three glance at each other.

"And how would you think it's something we want," Delvin growls menacingly.

"Because it's proud that you all are being deceived," Karliah says and rubs her shoulder; the signal. You reach into your pack and pull out Gallus' journal.

You hold your head high and step out from behind your new friend, book in hand. You watch as the three are in shock at the fact you are alive.

(Y/N)..." Brynjolf breathes out softly, his eyes in you only.

"You're Alive?!" Delvin says, "But Mercer told us..."

"He lied, like he has been," you say, managing to tear your eyes from Brynjolf. Your extend your arm, holding the journal, "this'll explain it,"

No one moves to grab the book for a few minutes of silence. You were about to let your arm when suddenly, Brynjolf drops his sword and marches up to you. He pulls you into a tight hug, holding you close.

"I thought you were dead, lass," he says softly so only you can hear, "don't scare me like that again," you smile, returning the hug.

"I won't, Bryn," you promise.

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