The Big Surprise

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For the last three months your husband, Yoongis, has been on tour while you have been at home with your five month old baby boy, (S/N). You miss Yoongi, but you are OK with him being gone so long, because you Skype with him all the time, and you respect he's choice to stay with the band because you wouldn't have it any other way.
Today is suppose to be Yoongis first day back from tour. You are Skyping with him on his way back on the plane. Yoongi was upset because he had to go to Big Hit for practice.
      "It's my first day back and I don't get to spend it with my beautiful wife and son," he starts pouting.
       You are upset too because you have big news for him. "I know," you start pouting with him, but you decide to give him a surprise visit. "I'll see you tonight though."
    "And I'll smother your body in kisses." He wink's at you, and you blow him a kiss.
     You get off with Yoongi and message Namjoon to help you give Yoongi a surprise visit, and he agrees because he thinks it's so cute.
        So, later today day you get to Big Hit you text Namjoon that you have arrived, so he comes to the front to get you with his phone out on camera to video the surprise. You two get to the room that the rest of BTS is in and he slips in with the camera on.
    You hear J-Hope ask, "what are you doing Namjoon hung?"
     "Well there was a gift for Yoongi that was just dropped off that I had to go get."
       "What is it?" You hear Yoongi's tired voice ring out in the room and your heart just sinks.
         "How about she gives it to you her self."
       "What do you mean?" Yoongi asks with confusion.
        All of a sudden Namjoon opens the door again for you and your son. Yoongi's eyes are filled with joy at the sight of you and his son. You step into the room and Yoongi rushes over and raps you and your son in his arms. He kisses you and whispers in your ear how much he has missed you. V comes over and makes faces with (S/N).
(S/N) reaches out to V, "Tae."
      "Awwww" comes from everyone in the room, as V takes (S/N).
       Tae takes him over to the other members and Yoongi raps you in a hug and holds you as close as he can.
        "Yoongi" Tea says.
        You both turn around as Tae let's go of (S/N) and he steps towards Yoongi and falls over. Yoongi picks him up and kisses him. (S/N) see Namjoon and reaches out to him, "Nam, Nam."
       "Awwww" comes from everyone as Namjoon takes (S/N).
       "Nothing can make this any  better." Yoongi says while holding you close.
       You figure now is the time to tell him, "I'm pregnant."
        Yoongi's eyes grow with surprise.
        "Yes" comes from Namjoon and Tae.
        "Noooo" comes from J-Hope, Jin, Jimmin, and Jungkook.
        "What's wrong with me being pregnant."
        "We made a bet on wether or not you would be pregnant, and they lost the bet. So they owe Tae and I money" Namjoon tells you with a smile.
         "You betted on my ovary!" You are very disappointed in them all.
          "Well when you put it that way it makes it sound weird." Jimmin laughs.
         "It is" you say "so each of you owe me half of you bet now fork it over."
        "What" shouts Tae and Namjoon "that's not right"
         "It so it to" you give them a death glare "you guy betted on me. Looks like you guys are paying for mine and Yoongi diner." You say with a smile.
          "Great, thanks to you, our money is now their date night money." Tae blamed Namjoon.
         "She's going to need more then that to eat," Namjoon says with a grin. "Remember when she was pregnant with (S/N)"
        "Ya I'm surprised she didn't blow up like a balloon" teas Jin.
        Everyone laughed but Yoongi who  can be vary protective of you most of the time.
       That's not how you talk to a lady Jin" Yoongi says smacking Jin upside the head.
       "Well your son and i have to go now. I'll see you at home tonight" you take (S/N) and kiss Yoongi "I love you."
       "I love you too." He says kissing you and (S/N).
        You walk to the door but turn around and tell Namjoon, "you and Tae get to watch (S/N) tonight." and you walk out and take your son home and get ready for you dinner date with you husband.

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