Chapter 3.

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Scarlet's POV:

It was now Monday morning, two hours before school starts.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

I groaned.

"Got off Carter! You fatass!" I yelled laughing trying to push him off.

"That's an insult!" he said with a hand on his chest, but he got off anyways.

"Time to get up, it's yours and James first day of school." He said looking at me before turning to leave.

"Okay, Dad!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him, which missed because he closed the door before it reached him.

All my older brothers acted like a father more than my real dad did. You see, my Dad has been drinking a lot, ever since his 4th wife Chole, William's mom died, during childbirth. My father never blamed anyone but himself over her death.

I remember that day very cleanly.

"Mr. Dragon?" I looked up from my sketchbook, I was drawing in to see my father standing next to the doctor.

The doctor had a pained expression on his face and then he spoke his voice cracking.

"I'm sorry to say this but your wife, Chloe, died during childbirth."

"What the hell do you mean! How did this happen? You're a doctor for crying out loud!" My father roared at the doctor grabbing him by the collar.


I cut the doctor off before he could speak.

"What about the baby!" I yelled.

"The baby is fine, he's with a nurse." the doctor choked up.

I was about to reposed to the doctor, when I felt something hard hit my right cheek.

"How can you be more worried about the baby than your own mother, who is dead?!" my father roared, holding his left hand up.

"Because Mother Chloe, would've wanted the baby to live than herself. She knew, she...Knew, she was going to die, yet she didn't care!" I yelled in a choked up matter.

"How can you say that! Did she tell you that!" he yelled shaking me.

"She told me, Mother Katy, Sophie, and Mary. She knew this would happen." I said in a whisper, trying to hold back my tears.

I was back from my memory when I heard my room door slam open.

"Come on, Sissy! Owen is making pancakes for breakfast!" Conner yelled happily.

"I'll be down soon." I told him smiling in return.

"Okay!" he said running out.

Thankfully my brothers weren't there with us. To be honest, I still never told them.

I never tell my brothers my feelings. If I did they would try to stop me from self harm.

I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts.

I sat up and groaned.

I groaned again, and then walked over to my walk in closet, quickly finding an outfit to wear. I throw on the outfit which was a red tank top, black pair of pants, and my black cape jacket with a hood on it.

I grabbed my bag and my blue-white shoes.

After putting on my shoes, I left my room closing the door behind me. Before going downstairs, I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my waist length chestnut hair into a side braid that came over my left shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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