Chapter Five

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Alpha Black

I watch mate spin from the stairs railing. I wish I could make her smile that big and bright. I walk down the stairs wondering about what she did earlier. She literally pulled back my wolf- something I can't even do sometimes. I walk to my parents part of the house. I gave them their own space so they can just be happy with each other. I walk into their wing and head for their throne. I open the doors finding them talking to there oldest friends. When they see me they bow before scurrying off.  I walk to my parents bowing to them.

"Where is your mate son. I know you have found her.", my father says as I stand upright.

"How do you know that father ?", I ask him testing him.

"You have the same look I did when I met your mother.", My mom blushes grabbing his hand.

"When can we meet her Carter.", My mother ask me grabbing my face. I smile hugging her.

"Soon mother. But she is not going to be what you expected.", I say in a warning tone.

"Are you ashamed of your mate Carter ?", my father ask. I close my eyes seeing her light brown eyes. Her freckled face, plum lips and her beautiful soft voice.

"No I am not ashamed of her.", I answer strong. 'But she's afraid of me.' , I thought.

"Good so tomorrow afternoon we will announce our packs Luna.", my mother says proudly. "Then we'll get to have dinner to meet my daughter in law."

"Oh so about that Amaya has a brother who's mated to Hazel. Andd they both came to live here. Also there mother will be coming tomorrow to live here as well.", I say in one breath.", I wait for their reactions when my mother squeals. I'm the alpha but there still the King and Queen.

"I'm gonna have another grandma with me and our grandchildren. All in the same family. I'm so excited I got to tell Lucy about this.", She runs off to find her friends. My father just laughs watching her leave.

"She has never changed.", he says chuckling. "But really son how is your mate.", he says in a serious tone.

"She's an omega. There an omega family.", I say kind of disgusted with the idea of them being so weak. My father just smiles patting my shoulders.

"She is perfect for you.". He walks off to catch up with mom. I walk back to my wing slowly trying to figure out everything. When a sweet sweet smell of her forest hits me. I follow it all the way to the library.

"p-p-p-please get off me.", I hear my little mate beg. I rush over to her seeing John pinning her to a bookshelf. She see's me and runs to my side. John turns around slowly looking me in the eye. While Amaya digs her face into my chest. Trying to ignore the tingling feeling she's sending me I focus of John's terrified face.

"If you ever touch my mate again. I won't need my wolf to kill you. I will. Slowly.",I say grabbing hold of Amaya's waist.

"I-I-I'm sorry Alpha it will never happen again.", he tries to run off but I grab his arm twisting it back.

"It will NOT happen again. You understand me John.", I say trying to remain in control. My wolf almost breaching the surface. Amaya touches my chest shooting up tingling feelings everywhere. I look down and she has this face begging me to stop. I let go of John's arm and he goes running. "Are you okay Amaya ?", I ask turning my full concern to her.

"Yes Alpha i'm okay. He was trying to get into my shirt. He said because he didn't see my mark that he could do as he pleased.", she says in her little voice turning to the ground. Anger builds in me once again but she looks up and It all washes away. She notices she still holding me pulling back. Leaving the places she touched to grow cold. We stand there awkwardly not really sure of what to say.

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