Chapter 5: Five years old

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~~~~~5 Years Old~~~~~

Today is our first day of Pre-K. I'm excited but very nervous. I'm actually very shy and don't make friends easy... At least I'll have Phil with me.

Both of our mothers are with us as we wait to enter the classroom of our Pre-K room. Our teacher's name is Ms. Suzi. She sounds nice... I think.

I'm clinging on to my mom's leg as the door opens.

"I don't want to go mommy." I said, whimpering.

She picks me up and holds me. "It'll be okay Daniel. You'll make a lot of friends." She said, kissing my head.

I pouted at her. "But-"

"No buts mister." She kissed my head again before setting me down. "I'll be here when it's over. Now go on. Phil's waiting for you." She said, pointing to Phil who was standing there, waiting.

I nodded and hugged her one last time before turning around and walking towards Phil.

"You okay Dan?" He asked as we walked towards the door.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine... I hope."

"Don't worry. We have each other!" He said happily.

I giggled. "Yeah."

~~~~~In The Classroom~~~~~

"Hello class, I'm Ms. Suzi. Why don't we all sit in a circle and say what our names are." She said, happily.

She started with the girl closest to her and it will continue on that way...

"I'm Emily... Joshua... Nicolas... Adam... Michael... Liliana... Kaiden..."

It continued on until it got around to us.

"I'm Philip... But I like Phil." He said.

The class looks at me. I give a shy smile... "I'm Daniel... But I like Dan."

And the circle went on, everyone giving their names...

"I'm Isabel... Hannah... Aaron..."

"Now that we know each others names, let's get to know each other a bit better." Ms. Suzi said. "I'll go first, I like the outdoors." She said.

"I like dogs... Kites... Rain... Trucks... Dinosaurs..." It went on... again, until it go to Phil and I.

"I like lions." Phil said.

"I like lions too!" Adam shouted out.

The class giggled and then they looked at me.

"I like llamas." I said, shyly.

"Coooool!" That Aaron boy said.

Again, it continued on...

"Movies... Cats... Dolphins..." So on and so forth...

"Okay class, now that we got to know each other better, how about we do something?" She said.

We all nodded our heads eagerly.

She giggled at us. "Okay, why don't we draw our families?"

Soon enough, we all got to drawing...

"I think we actually might like it here." I whispered to Phil.

He looked at me and nodded. "Yeah... I like Pre-K..."

Short, little chapter. I honestly don't remember anything from Pre-K... except my teachers name... I think she got married though... Don't know. It's been a while lol.

Hope you enjoyed!

See you guys later! :D

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