Sol and Luna

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When the world was first created, there was no day and there was no night. The world
was just a blank canvas, a void filled with darkness and despair. It was hard to live in the world but somehow humans were able to survive. Seeing how humans were able to live in a world where nothing else could, The Maker decided that he was going to make it easier for them to live on earth. He decided to turn the blank canvas into a beautiful masterpiece. The Maker began to
search the world and he came across a young man by the name of Sol.
Sol was a handsome man with black hair and bright green eyes. Even though he was young he was the leader of his village. He guided his people with great wisdom and gave them hope when all was lost. Sol had a special gift; he had a light inside of him that drove out the darkness in people and brought forth the hidden potential inside them. The Maker came to him and asked if he would give light to the world like he did for the people of his village. Sol not wanting to disappoint The Maker immediately said yes, and he became the sun. The world was no longer blank. As people looked up and saw the light in the sky, hope began to spread throughout the world but as time passed fear began to grow in the hearts of man. Sol's light was too bright, it was always shining and the people were afraid of how it made them feel. They were not used to the happiness that now existed in the world. People began to hate Sol and demanded that he leave the sky and turn the world back to the way it used to be. The Maker, seeing humans fear the being he now thought of as a son, began to search the world again. This time he found a woman by the name of Luna.
Luna was one of the most beautiful woman in her village. She had long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She was soft spoken and had a calming presence. She had a gift of bringing peace to people and helping them overcome there fears because of this she was know as one on the best healers in her village. The Maker came to her and asked if she could dim the light of the world and help the people overcome their fear of Sol. Luna said yes and she became the moon. She gave the people a break from Sol's light and allowed them to have peace of mind. People's fears and hatred of Sol slowly began to disappear and they were now grateful for the light he gave. All was not good however, for the people's fear and hatred had not truly vanished. Over the years it simply transferred from Sol to Luna. When she would dim the light of Sol, the people would grow angry. They believe that she was jealous of the light that Sol gave them and just to spite them she would take it away and give them total darkness.
Luna went into despair. She had the gift of helping people overcome fear and yet she
could not stop people from fearing her. Every day as Luna dimmed the light of Sol, she slipped more and more into darkness and thoughts of leaving the world would come into her mind. Seeing how much despair Luna was truly in Sol went to her and got on his knees and cried. He cried for everything she had suffer through and promised that he would make it right. He
promised to do what ever it took to stop the people from fearing her even if it meant their fear would once again transfer over to him. From that day on Sol visited Luna and they would talk and talk for days on end. They soon became good friends and Sol helped heal the black hole in Luna's heart. In the process Sol and Luna had unintentionally fallen in love and they went to The Maker to ask if they could be married. The Maker saw how much the sun and the moon completed each other and said yes. Many years later the people were still fearful of Luna but they did not show it. They knew that Luna was Sol's wife and they learned to respect what she did. Soon Luna fell pregnant and the baby seem to take fears of Luna. Without even being born the baby gave light to the darkness that Luna brought. When the time came Luna gave birth to a daughter and named her Asteria. Who became the first light in the night's sky, the first of many stars to come. Both Sol and Luna were now revered by humans all over the world and were said
to have a love that transcends time. To this day they continue to bring hope and peace into the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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