Daniel (Pokemon red)

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Hay mum im going to go to jacks house. Im taking my DS.
"Ok daniel be back before 5pm for tea were having chicken your favourite"
Thats my mum she's nice I love her.
"Hay danel you little geek" pushes him into the wall.
And thats my big sister leah I love her but she hates me she wouldn't even care if i died. I have everything I need right DS a drink emmmm yup i have everything.
"Darlin will you give your little sister her milk" Her mum shouted through the halls.
Ok mum! Theres your milk alisia sweets. Ok mum im on my way now. (Runs out of the door). ive been playing Pokémon red and green with jack for around 4 weeks now, i play Pokémon red he plays Pokémon green.

"Hay daniel." jack said in excitement!
Hay jack come on lets go play I want the LEGENDARY POKÉMON .
"Hehehehehe lets gooooo"jack giggles .
Gotta catch em alllllll hehehehe.

One hour of Pokémon later
I told u I would get there before you!!!!!!!!!
"awwwwe no thats NOT fair!"jack shouted
Hay its a good beat in it!
"Yeah it is"

Ok im going toilet jack
"Ok danial"
Oh and jack im taking my DS with me.

"What DANIEL WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!" Jack screamed while running to the bathroom!
Jack my nose LOOK at it.
"OMG its a frigin nose bleed daniel chill! You scared me!" Jack shouted!
Sorry just I never had a nose bleed before.
"In all 8yrs of your life you have never had a nose bleed before!"said jack
"Ok well get a tissue and clean yourself of you need to get home now ok daiel its 4:45pm."jack said.

MUM guess what i had my first nose bleed.
"Awe are you ok sweet"mum said
Yup im fine jack said ill be ok he's right.... right.
"Of corse huny"mum said
"You will be fine until you bleed so much you die of blood loss."said leah
"Hmmmmm I don't know" leah whispered under her breath.
"Now now stop arguing!" mum shouted!
Yes but shes 15yrs old im only 8yrs old and alisia is there listening to leah saying stuf like that and shes 8 months old!
You know what im going to play Pokémon IT SEEMS TO LOVE ME MORE THAN YOU LEAH!!!!!!!!!
"GO DIE IN A HOLE" leah screamed
"EXUSE ME!" mum said

Pokémon you love me don't you?
Hehehe obviously it does hmmmmm i wish leah did but anyway tea should be reddy now.
"Not yet hunny just a little while longer" mum shouted up the stairs.
Ok mum.
Pokémon here I come

"Mum we having chicken?"said leah
"Yes leah we are"said mum
"Ok im going to count how many chokers i have"said leah
"Yea sweety while your up there give your brother his tie for school, he has a play on he needs it for his play tomorrow"said mum
"Sure why not" said leah while running up the stairs. (She gave daniel his tie and went to count chokers.)

Around 25 minutes later
"Teas done!"shouted mum
(Leah came running down the stairs.)
"Wheres daniel" mum said while giving tea to leah "he's normally the first one down chicken is his favourite."
"he probably fell asleep again the lasy pig" leah said in descust!
"Go check on him for me plz sweets"mum said while trying to feed alisia.
"Ok mum" leah said she ran upstairs again

"MUM ..... MUM ....... "
"Yes leah"mum said
"GET UP HERE NOW!!!! NOW!!!!"leah SCREAMED with trears in her eyes
"Ok sweet whats up"mum said
"Look" leah stuttered
"What the HECK HAPPENED HERE" mum screamed running to daniel (she starts to cry) "hes dead ...... why would he do this...why....WHY" (she screamed/cryed so much she passed out.)

Leah ran down stairs called a 999 for her mum and brother.
Someone picked up she said hi i need an ambulance my mums passed out and my brother has hung himself and i have and 8 month old sister in the kitchen please help please!!!! (No one replies.....)hello please help me please.
Someone replied thay said tree words......

DONT FOLLOW ME !..................

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